
Peace Concert ‘Living for Gaza – Say Freedom’

Peace Concert ‘Living for Gaza – Say Freedom’

Tomorrow the press conference of the Friedenskonzert ‘Life For Gaza – Say Freedom’ starts during the Samstag on September 28 at 7 p.m. at the former NATO Stutzpunkt in Bagnoli (Parco San Laise). Erlös der Veranstaltung would be used for the Kauf eines Krankenwagens for Gaza. Auf der Bühne became Künstler, Musiker, Schauspielerinnen, Zänger, Schriftsteller and Intellektuelle auftreten. The Meeting with the Journalists, which is in the Statutes of the Sala Assoli, is the Teilnahme of Omar Suleiman of the palästinensische Gemeinschaft, Luigi the Magistris of Garantenausschuss and the Moderatorinnen of Abends, Dalal Suleiman and Sara Lotta, together with one of the Vertretung der Künstler. ‘It is a question of a Peaceful Establishment, which will never be an Ort with the evil NATO Military Stützpunkt and a symbolic Date, the day of the broader standing of the city of Neapel, which 81 years ago satisfied the Nazi fascism, stattfindet. Naples will respond to the war winds with a strong Peace Treaty; It may be that the help will not change the backbone and the world”, the Veranstalter of the Vereinigung Life For Gaza receives a Veranstaltung, which will take place after the Erfolg of the Konzerts in February in the Palapartenope the word gründet is used. Die Vereinigung ist und die Palästinensische Gemeinschaft von Kampanien, Assopace Palestina und Garantenausschuss, von Mario Martone, Laura Morante, Luigi de Magistris, Lino Musella, Alex Zanotelli, Nicola Quatrano und Francesco Romanetti besteht. Life for Gaza, die Künstler Zu den teilnehmenden Künstlern heard: Amal Murkus, Max Gazzè, Daniele Silvestri, Valerio Mastandrea, Lino Musella, Radiodervish, 99 Posse, Isa Danieli, Giovanni Truppi, La Maschera, Giancane, Elisabetta Serio Trio & Ste, Dario Sansone, Lorenzo Hengeller, Anna Castiglia, Anastasio, Valerio Jovine, Carlo Faiello, Maldestro, Bisca, ‘E Zezi, La Terza Classe, Gabriele Esposito, Tara, Guappecartò, Tartaglia Aneuro, Antonio Fresa, Sandro Joyeux, Aldolà Chivalà, Sara Penelope Robin , Giovanni Block, Capone, Nelson & i Radical Kitsch, Valeria Parrella and Marina Cuollo. The concert was one of the two Ausgabe von “Masarat al-Funun”, artistic paths of the Palestine Community Kampaniens, which were concluded on 25. to 27. September in the current Asilo Filangieri statttt.

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