
Berufsunfähigkeit absichern – was gibt es zu beachten?

Berufsunfähigkeit absichern – was gibt es zu beachten?

Security Protection

Berufsunfähigkeit absichern – was gibt es zu beachten?

Current on 24.09.2024 – 00:05 UhrReading time: 5 min.

A woman lies on the couch with an orthosisEnlargement of the imagesIf you get into trouble, you can improve the financial situation – these risks will reduce the bad consequences of the breakdown. (Quelle: Christin Klose/dpa-tmn/dpa-bilder)

How about a job you could get? For most people, there are financial disasters – the big changes in debt burden. A few facts for interest.

Brauche is a robbed version (BU), isn’t he? “Wir empfehlen de Abschluss, weil die Absicherung der Berufsunfähigkeit existenziell wichtig ist”, says Kerstin Hußmann-Funk, Versicherungsexpertin der Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg.

It is often a sin to change the Versicherung in the young years. The question is for many: Can I leisten a BU? There are students or students who have no money anymore. To others is the fact that the German government has become lighter, when a man is a police youth.

Grundsätzlich gilded: A BU will pay an interest payable to it, if the Versicherungsnehmer weigh a Krankheit or an Unfalls, visible to minds 6 Monate or longer ausfällt – also signals Beruf gar nicht more or zu mindsestens 50 Prozent nicht more ausüben kann.

The monthly Beitragshöhe is individual. What are the characteristics:

  • Change
  • profession
  • Health status
  • united rent heights
  • Delay time

Also separating is so, who fell the interest in the serious trap that would be possible and if you would eventually undergo the insurance. Both are higher, the higher is the beiträge.

If it is good, it is wiser to take a risk on a higher risk. “It is also a job that is not actually safe,” says Constantin Papaspyratos, chef at the Bund der Versicherten. This is a flight escort or betroferfeuerwehrleute.

Hohe Beiträge zahlen auch Menschen, de Berufe mit hohem Stresspotenzial ausüben, etwa Pflegekräfte. “Der Versicherer fragt nach dem aktuellen Beruf”, explains Constantin Papaspyratos. “There’s more than enough to erase, but it’s clear you figured it out.”

It is a whole Reihe von Gesundheits- und Risikofragen. “Dieser Punkt hat es in sich, and da läuft auch fell schief”, warned the Chefökonom. Abgefragt became for the best Zurückliegende Zeiträume the combined Gesundheitshistorie of the Freizeitaktivitäten – also for Kampfsport or Motorradfahren, over Rauchen and Betäubungsmittel.

“Da müssen Sie ganz genau lesen en savory”, said Constantin Papaspyratos. “If you use a woolen BU-Rente bean bonus, while the versicherer is sufficient and has the wahrheitsgemäß-geantwortet.” Schlimming waterfalls can be reached by the Versicherungsschutz whistles.

“If you have power now, you will become more intelligent,” says Kerstin Hußmann-Funk. If it is good, it is a bad BU in the low signal, which is standard life standard – and black ohne, that man in the constitutional Hilfesysteme abrutscht.

The Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg works as a Faustrule for the BU-Rentenhöhe 80 Prozent des monatlichen Nettoeinkommens. For robbery suspects or students, 1,500 Euros were given as Absicherungshöhe empfohlen in the rule.

Once the Border House has started, most insurers die themselves. “They often lie between 60 and 70 percent of the letzten Gross Content,” says Constantin Papaspyratos.

“I am the best with my own interest rate,” said Kerstin Hußmann-Funk. Also zum Beispiel bis 67 Jahre, when man ab diesem Zeitpunkt Altersrente erhält. It is possible that there is a model that involves a police department. “If the Renteneintrittsalter nor mal schieben, then the delays will be expected.”

Black is a long-term investment in the premium rule. If you make a different choice, the risk is not great. “If there is no question of a higher Rücklagen-verfügt, a Lücke can be a BU-Rente and an existing alternative”, according to the consumer protector.

Both experts assess a dynamic. That hey, that is the monatlichen Beiträge jedes Jahr erhöhen – “that since in the Rule three bis four, maximum fun Prozent”, says Kerstin Hußmann-Funk. It is of course a matter of BU-Rente, the man in Ernstfall erhält.

If you turn off the option in phases – if you make the switch, it is no longer possible to continue for years. “The dynamics that we can offer, and that can be more widely distributed,” says Constantin Papaspyratos. “When you see most of the stories, it is a little bit more, but when you say new stories, you can have a big or wider distribution and then be a little bit better.”

Yes, the guarantee of aftercare is that Constantin Papaspyratos will receive new offers in any case. “If you have made another choice, with a price of 50 years, the BU-Rente in a loan is a bigger bet for an amount of 500 euros,” said the Chef.