
Traumhafte Bedingungen zum Abschluss – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Traumhafte Bedingungen zum Abschluss – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Drittes Bikeside MTB Festival closed Tausende Bike-Fans after Einsiedeln

Das Klosterdorf is on the Wochenende ganz im Zeichen des Mountainbikes. All conceptual models were accurate. A few things may take more effort.

In Einsiedeln it can all be with the Alps one of the larger sporting events. If the Älpler with the Tieren van de Alpenverlassen, on the Platz is held for the best Plätze-kämpfenden Mountain bikers and bikers. The Iron-Bike-Race is also a. For two years, the second largest mountain bike race in the area of ​​the Bikeside MTB Festival has been led. Thank you that the Einsiedler Mountainbike Weekly still exists at all. It is not that there may be a few things that will happen. The first year that the enduro race file of the veranstaltung is completed. It was a year ago and the day was one of the Helferanlass in the Freitagabend. During the Helferkarten information and every year a Helfergeschenk is collected. The Saturday goes a year further than the children, son of the enduro family. If you are worried about some bike villages with many mountain bike enthusiasts, there are some boats. But also the Region Einsiedeln gets the opportunity to present themselves in the best possible light. And then of course the higher level during the show of the «Flying Metal Crew». Anyway, the schwerkraft is postponed.

The Race Day

It was very difficult to go to Sonntagmorgen in the morning of eight o’clock and her. With the microphones and Father Lorenz it remains on the large Kirchenplatz Europe’s flashy Silence one. The bikers’ days are busy with the Help of the Allmächtigen for the accompanying Races. The silence only waits short. With the “Hells Bells” of the Australian Rocker AC/DC is played softly, while the tension is at the height of the tension. The race drivers of the middle and long stretch were first in seven blocks of a maximum of 200 people on the stretch arranged. At the first beginning of war a Jacke noch hilfreich. A stunde später, at the start of the ride and the Easy-Ride-Strecke, then it is annoying. That son has done his work.

The soul at 10 o’clock can achieve the first siege, all those who have been absolved during the race, as well as the siege, have been grüsst im soul. Speaker Robin Fritschi, inform Erkrankung von Co-Speaker Franco Marvulli und both Tagen Alleinherrsschende am Mikrofon, konnte sich nicht über mangelnde Arbeit.

Because it was a matter of years that was worth it, it spontaneously began to become another length of the races. The Mitte- and Langdistanzler can not be separated at the Einfahrt ins Ziel nor for that other Strecke. Here the Strecke is indicated in «Weiterfahren» or «Ziel». But it does not always have the correct Einspuren.

The Rank Verkündigung With a smaller verspätung it concerns zur Rankverkündigung. All siege der am Sonntag-gefahrenen Rennen were thus learned in the Paracelsuspark. Zuerst war the Bike Marathon Classics an der Reihe. Then you follow the first steps in Klosterdorf during the start-up of the HERO series. If you have the Strecke verschiedene Kategorien, dauerte de Rangverkündigung auch entsprechend. Glücklicherweise and everything for the Alten Schulhaus-statt, also in the north, where Food Village positions a war. Entsprechend konnte sich das Publikum gleich nor bei de zahlreichen Angeboten verpflegen. To conclude, there were still some who had completed the Iron Bike 15, 20 and 25 Mal. These are known as a special bike shirt, but they are also a real demanding biker. Fast in the record-breaking time and the victory at 16:30 in time. When you do a general global warming, you can get other people out of a beautiful herb phase. Another start with the Aufräumarbeiten. See the result.

Photos: René Hensler

The Start Schuss inheritance is over!

Both families live together and die Greuters at a fast pace.

In the category Herren 1 gewann der Grosser Loris Bisig (right)

The Ski Club Einsiedeln was purchased in the Category Groups at 32 kilometers as Dritter on Podest.

They bought a pod from Easy Kids: Andy Steiner (left), Vivien Greuter (two on the left) and Gian Marco Greuter (right).