
SC DHfK doesn’t want to know anymore: Bundesliga manager plays on Super-Start | Sports

SC DHfK doesn’t want to know anymore: Bundesliga manager plays on Super-Start | Sports

Super Sieg against Gummersbach! There is no experience that the Bundesliga Handballer des SC DHfK Leipzig the best season begins with the pivotal years.

In the time that both Spielzeiten lost the SC DHfK the three Auftaktspiele, 2021/22 are now a Sieg. Jetzt steht der Klub in der Daikin Handball-Bundesliga with 4:2 Punkten on Platz funf. Würde am End der Saison bedeuten, dass Leipzig europeisch spielen würde…

It is still a long way away. And Leipzig’s handball boss Karsten Günther (43) Platzierung and Punkte im Moment Ziemlich Wurscht. Günther: “So a Zwischenzeugnis zählt but nicht. Außerdem has been absolved since the first three games.”

Leipzig handball boss Karsten Günther

Leipzig handball boss Karsten Günther


Donnerstag (19 Uhr/Quarterback-Arena) comes from Tables-Zweite Rhine-Neckar Lions – and they almost won everything!

Rhein-Neckar Löwen enters the Donnerstag

“A true test of heart, that’s going to be mega tough,” says Günther clearly. “The Lion has done his utmost with Martinovic and Heymann. If you think you’ve played the Leistung from the Gummersbach game and the full focus, it’s one of the things you have to do.”

All matches of the Handball Bundesliga can be seen at Dyn

All matches of the Handball Bundesliga can be seen at Dyn

Photo: BILD

And there is a herausragende Torwart-Leistung. Kristian Saeverås (28) shone against Gummersbach in 15 Paraden. Was power really so grim?

Günther: “Training took place and the game fell to the self-suspect. Aber unsere Abwehr hilft ihm auch.”

Lost heavily from the fieldSorgen is a German Handball Star

Schwer verletzt vom Feld: Sorgen um deutschen Handball-Star

Source: DYN