
An Erfolgsmodell since 2005: Lehrlingsausbildung at AMS Schwechat

An Erfolgsmodell since 2005: Lehrlingsausbildung at AMS Schwechat

Since 2005, the Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) has had a clearer range of options and a range of work-filled activities with young talent. Insgesamt wurden in Niederösterreich und Schwechat seitdem zahlreiche Lehrlinge ausgebildet – aktuell befinden sich 23 in der Ausbildung beim AMS NÖ, davon zwei in Schwechat.

Ex-Lehrling Sabrina Malliga is the most confident Abteilungsleiterin, Cem Türkkan hat seinen Lehrweg first kürzlich started. | Photo: Alexander Paulus

SCHWECHAT. The Geschäftsstellenleiterin Eva Wienerroither leads the Lehrlingsausbildung with great commitment. The following stolz is one of the most important heritage histories in Schwechat:

“I have a lot of stuff, that’s what it’s all about while we are here and I enjoy the fun of reading.”

Three of the bisherigen fünf Schwechater Lehrlinge auch nach Abschluss ihrer Lehre weiterhin im Unternehmen.

Was zeichnet een gooden Lehrling aus?

For Eva Wienerroither it is important that the Lehrlinge-communicativity, the way in which society forms itself, and no longer shy, is. Much knowledge is a man who does the Ausbildung, can be separated by light consciousness and own initiative.

“It is a great experience, the path of the young people out of debt who are in debt and their personal way of solving the debts“,

explained Wienerroither.

First AMS Schwechat Lehrling

Sabrina Malliga, 37 years old and from Lanzendorf, war 2005, was the first Lehrling of the AMS Schwechat. I was acquitted in 2008 and this is a stellvertretende Abteilungsleiterin.

“I had a great experience with the AMS and the best way to get started,”

message Malliga.

While the AMS Schechat has left the selection processes for a set at the AUA, the Absage of the AUA is marked and the Zusage of AMS – a Detachment, which is no longer possible. While in his Ausbildung you learn all the information of the AMS and schätzt bis the next label Abwechslung in Job: “Man learns not out.”

Sabrina is the first to graduate from Lehre at AMS Schwechat. The 37-year-old was a team leader. | Photo: Alexander Paulus

2020 is one of the personal decisions of the chef, who is dealing with the great Abteilungsleitung-übernehmen-möchte. Your career is clear: „Abteilungsleiterin.“ In addition to the fact that the family climate is, the flexible working time will be such that it does not stand on the Arbeitsplatz. As Vollzeitkraft Arbeitet is 37.5 hours per week.

The newest student

Cem Türkkan, 16 years old and from Ebergassing, is a Lehrling at AMS Schwechat on September 1, 2024. Where the blame lies on Poly Himberg, is a speed dating for jobs and it is possible to meet more external people, who are on AMS, Zusage.

In April 2024 I found the last time I started offering personal service assistants in September. The training lasts three years, followed by an internal professional academy. Turkey especially appreciates the family work environment and the support of its colleagues and colleges.

„Am ersten Tag was es, als wat ich schon seit Jahren here“,

it is said that it is meant.

Cem erreicht seinen Arbeitsplatz derzeit with the Moped, power parallel to the L17-Ausbildung and plant, from Dezember with the Auto zur Arbeit zu fahren. Warum AMS? If so, you may be able to make your plans in your younger years and your family will think like this:

“The working hours at AMS are great, and the time spent with the family is excellent.”

It is the first time that we work from home at AMS and that we can do different types of work in our own office. | Photo: Alexander Paulus

A win-win situation

The Lehrling Sauce Bildung at AMS Schwechat offers young people an opportunity that is exciting and personally different. Very profitable, the ideas of motivation are good, but they are useful for their work. Eva Wienerroither sees a big plus for the AMS:

“It’s a great experience, young people can be given a chance and live their Entwicklung-mits.”

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