
Wildwechsel: Im Herbst höheres Risiko von Wildunfällen

Wildwechsel: Im Herbst höheres Risiko von Wildunfällen

Zum Herbstbeginn warned the Automobil-Club Verkehr (ACV) for an erhöhten Gefahr von Wildunfällen. “Responsible is the kürzeren Tage, the Dämmerung während of the Hauptverkehrszeiten as well as the strengthened activities of the Wildtiere, which auf der Suche nach Futter and sicheren Überwinterungsplätzen since”, the Organization said.

If there is a Tier am Straßenrand, it is so that the German on the other side of the road and the light comes from the sky, it is not so that it is mixed. If the level of the Fahrbahn is reached, some steps are taken and we will be further braked. Wild animals are häufig in groups on the way. If you see something, you can do this with more research. Wachsamkeit is above all in the Dämmerung gefragt, especially in the forest and a field border. If a wild waterfall gets the chance to be hit by the accident center and the police alert, it can not cause damage or the level of the weggelaufen is.

In the present year, in Rhineland-Palatinate the Angaben des Innenministeriums in Mainz bislang knapp 17,000 Wildunfälle gezählt. I won about 24,600 game cases in the year 2023 and ran 500 more in the year 2022.

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