
Offenburg Am Sonntag, 6. October Biker- und Wanderhock der Wanderfreunde Berghaupten Nachrichten der Ortenau

Offenburg Am Sonntag, 6. October Biker- und Wanderhock der Wanderfreunde Berghaupten Nachrichten der Ortenau

The Wanderfreunde Berghaupten loaded for Sonntag, October 6, from 9 a.m. until 2. Biker and Wanderhock end. Start en Ziel ist das Vereinsheim in der Unteren Gewerbestraße 3.

There are permanent hiking trails (red markers) continuous tours of five, seven and 14 kilometers for discovery. Starting time from 9 to 13:30. From 10 am the IVV hiking tours are fun and kilometers starting from 10 am, a real Biker Tour. Start from 10 am. This would not take place by the IVV organizer.

If the Volkssport number is used, the number of hobby sportsmen at the German Volkssport number eins can be guided. Work will be done on compiling the Vereins temple in the bonus levy of the general costs.

– To display –

On the permanent hiking trails you will find a control painter with names or numbers, which is an einzutragen sind on the starting card. Nursing is given at the start and at the hospital. If the walk is carried out, this is one of the ways you can travel. The starting fee gets three euros per person including insurance and IVV stamp.

Even without a starting fee

If the card and the starting fee are worth more, it is not possible to do anything else. There is a Fünf-Kilometer-Strecke painted out with care point, from 9 to 13.30 hours can be started.

In the Vereinsheim der Berghauptener Wanderfreunde a complete Mittagstisch including Kaffee and Kuchen would have been provided. This is a new Wein. Weitere Auskünfte gibt is under 07803/2181. The Veranstaltung is found at jedem Wetter statt.