
Neuer Vorstoß nach Russland – Soldaten überschreiten die Grenze

Neuer Vorstoß nach Russland – Soldaten überschreiten die Grenze

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Russia is greiving in Ukraine-Krieg while he is fighting with Gleitbomben. But Putin’s strength must now be decisive. The News Ticker.

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  1. Tote door Russian Angry on the Ukraine“,”position”:1″, “storyElementPosition”:8″, “storyElementCount”:43″}}”>Three Bag Through Russian Angry on the Ukraine – Luftabwehr reports Abschuss von Drohnen and Marschflugkörpern
  2. Ukraine reports new Forward night Russia“,”position”:2″, “storyElementPosition”: 8″, “storyElementCount”: 43″}}”>Ukraine report new Forward night Russia – Soldiers are marching across the border to Russia in advance of a signal
  3. Russia engraves Saporischja mit Glide bombs an”,”position”:3″, “storyElementPosition”: 8″, “storyElementCount”: 43″}}”>Russia grief saporic sha with Glide bombs an – Ukraine reports 16 Verletzte.
  4. Ukraine Angriff Drift Russia Munitionsversorgung”,”position”:4″, “storyElementPosition”: 8″, “storyElementCount”: 43″}}”>Ukraine-Angriff threefold Russia Munitionsversorgung – Wladimir Putin’s Truppen sollen Munition für three Monate lost habits.
  5. Cards to the low side Front“,”position”:5″, “storyElementPosition”: 8″, “storyElementCount”: 43″}}”>Interactive Maps to the low side Front – See the active front declaration in the Ukraine War

Update from September 24, 5:28 am: Russian Fallschirmjäger sollen in de Russian region Kursk eine Stellung von de Ukrainian Streitkräften zurückerobert haben. The message comes from the Russian State Nachrichtenagentur Bag. It is a fact that other people from Drohnen have left the Ukrainian soldiers, so the message is a message about the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A suspension of the verification is not possible.


The information shown here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the war parties Ukraine and Russia. The statements about war in Ukraine are often not unreliable.

Russia reports three tote bei ukrainischem Angriff in Grenzregion Belgorod

Update from September 23, 10:23 PM: There is a fear of a Russian Ortschaft in the Border of Ukraine, which can take the first steps to help people. The fun kilometers of the border entfernte Dorf Arkhangelskoje since the Montag “of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are being bombarded”, part of the Governor of the Belgorod Region, Vyatscheslaw Gladkow, on Telegram with.

Two experiences and a youth that will be welcomed. It is a matter of negligence, a kind played by the Governor. Der Junge would be taken to a children’s clinic. The Border Region of Belgorod is a regular destination for Ukrainian air and air traffic. On August 6, a Ukrainian offensive takes place in the Nakhbar region of Kursk on the Schauplatz.

Update from September 23, 9:07 PM: In Russian Prisons Ukrainian Prisoners Are Being Held Prior To UN Medical Care. In a message that the Chief of the UN Human Rights Council has sent an eingesetzten-Commission, Eric Mose, Monday in Geneva. Follow and realization in the prison camps and the tagesordnung, your personal approach in science on a Punishment.

Mose reports among others from the prison Oleniwka in Eastern Ukraine, on July 29, 2022 an explosion occurred. Let former inmates be a small medical aid for the injured, like Mose. Other people, who try to convince military, are one of the many Schwerverletz-gekümmert. Many people have died. It is possible that Mose has experienced one of the most evil events that can no longer cause a problem, which is very traumatizing.

Selenskyj journey in the USA: Wohl Entscheidung über Freigabe weitreichender Waffen für die Ukraine

Update from September 23, 4:36 PM: Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has separated the power over the further Kriegsführung against Russia from the US-Reizen. Thus the trip with Selensky began an artillery ammunition factory in Scranton in the US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania. In this report Selensky will put to US President Joe Biden “a plan for the Ukrainian Sieg on the table”.

“In this autumn we will separate, as if we were to rage in this war next,” Selenskyj said after his announcement on Sunday. It is a fact that the Ukrainian president, when speaking in the United States, assumes that the Ukrainian army will become the happy Waffen of the West for fear of the Russian Territory. Bisher would die in the US and most other Lower Saxons would refuse.

Ammunition explodes in Russian army in Crimea
Ukrainian Army Arranges Battle with Drones and Rockets Russian Ammunition Depots and Will Go to Western Waffen Arsenals to Set Up in Russia. (Archivbild) © Viktor Korotayev/Kommersant Publishing House/AP/dpa

Three Bag Through Russian Angry on the Ukraine

Update from September 23, 2:32 PM: During the Russian scare on Ukraine, the inside of the 24 degrees of man was tagged and 38 injured. Sign up for Portal The Kiev Independent am Montag. Russlands Streitkräfte has caused several diseases in Ukraine. The Ukrainian aviation sector is one of the four Shahed-Drohnen and two Marschflugkörpern-gelungen. Neben Drohnen und Raketen setzte Russland are Gleitbomben für Angriffe ein. First time in the Saporischschja region.

Ukraine report new Forward night Russia

Update from September 23, 12:07 PM: Ukrainian troops have outrun the Russian positions on the border and taken up another position on the Russian territory. The 95th Brigade of the Ukrainian army shared a video on Monday, which says the fortification and first battle in Russia. It is a matter of “the second flawless operation on the Russian border when the beginning of the operation in the Russian oblast Kursk” began, and he was called by the brigade on Telegram.

If the last century affected an area of ​​Russia and Ukraine, it is not possible. The information cannot be verified.

Russia grief saporic sha with Glide bombs An

First report from September 23: Moskau/Kiew – Russian Streitkräfte has in the Nacht zum Montag a first attack of anger on the Ukrainian Stadt Saporischschja after the Front end. Both the residents of the Großstadt are surrounded by the Ukrainian police 13 houses, two children’s gardens and more cars are damaged. 16 people were lost.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s air force has changed its bombing raids for the Ukrainian city, which were long in the Ukrainian war. The weapons, which are still partly from the present time, were equipped with aircraft equipment and could sometimes “glide” over a large distance to the city. Russian air force can carry out the bombing raids, so that the Russian territory is not left, a soul in the Ukraine will hit.

Saporischshja is the capital of the region of the same name, which Putin has been collecting for a year for the creditworthiness of Russia. Before the Ukrainian War, the city housed about 700,000 people.

Ukraine-Angriff threefold Russia Ammunition supply

Glide bombs can nevertheless become a disaster for Moscow in the coming weeks. Those of the American think tank ‘Institute for the Study of War’ (ISW) are tomorrow in a notorious battle on X Ausführte, so that Russia with a Ukrainian large mix and ammunition has been lost. On September 18 (Midweek) the Ukrainian Streitkräften is a Schlag against Raketen- and Munitionslager after the Stadt Toropets.

Bei dem Angriff soll Russland der ISW-Analyse zufolge Munition für two bis three Monate lost haben. Darunter Artillery Munition, Iskander-Raketen and eben Gleitbomben. This delight continues to the extreme in Russia’s offensive in Ukraine.

Interactive Maps to the low side Front

Not only for this reason the Low at the Front in the East remains dynamic. Our active cards have appeared frontally in the Ukrainian War in the new Developments in the Russian War that occur in Ukraine. (Redaktion with Nachrichtenagenturmaterial)