
Record spending: Sonderburger Gichthospital has received 20 million kronor

Enjoy a holiday with 20 Million Kronen and “Dansk Gigthospital” in Sonderburg. Wozu das Money is used.

With a million dollars spent by the Leiden von Gicht- und Rheumakranken: The Gichtkrankenhaus „Dansk Gigthospital“ and the Zentrum „Center for Viden om Gigt“ in Sonderburg were worth 20 Million Kronen to help them survive.

The anonymous publications are the largest amount in the disease of the Danish disease and the research of the rare disease “MCTD” (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease).

Around 200 people in Denmark have this disease. Jährlich would have a “MCTD” diagnosis between 20 and 40 years old, which is affected by young women.

Das Ziel: Bessere Behandlungsmöglichkeiten

Mette Bryde Lind is director of the German government and symbolically donates money to the research leader of the “Center for Viden om Gigt”, Karen Schreiber.

“If you have made a little effort, this seltene Krankheit has become a lot better. It is an honorable treatment for a treatment of your patients and patients, who suffer from MCTD”, says Karen Schreiber. In general, it can be said that these important binding web-krankungen were thoroughly investigated.

“We are very happy that the person who spends their time in the care of the user is very happy with the situation and that one of the more patient groups will come to fruition,” said Director Mette Bryde Lind. „I have greater joy with greater joy.“