
Who Atomkraft Künstliche Intelligenz retten soll

Who Atomkraft Künstliche Intelligenz retten soll

In the atomic power work Three Mile Island The US Federal State of Pennsylvania was founded in 1979 by the American AKW-Unglück in the US. There is a part of the core that contains the Reaktorblock II reactor core. The Reactor block I Since 2019, all business will come to a standstill. Now that we are involved, the energy is present in dating centers for training and business Artificial Intelligence (AI) be used, such as the Washington Post message set. Alleiniger Abnehmer: Microsoft.

➤ Read more: Pannen-AKW Three Mile Island is for Microsoft in Betrieb

This part of the world has lasted a year first, with an intelligent intelligence that can help the world. Through investments in AI, etwa less sources used and CO2 emissions expressed Were, in exchange for the technology required, new Ansätze for “green” technology in itself. The problem is that all things, the Entwicklung and Nutzung of Künstlicher Intelligenz everything else is as nachhaltig.

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Energy Hunger Künstliche Intelligenz

It is an extreme energy starvation system. It is becoming more and more research that you do when you train and stop training. Research centers are preparing 2022 around 1.5 percent of global energy lost – still in time, before ChatGPT with AI-Boom has lost. By 2030 this value will be fully understood.

Only Microsoft will collaborate with ChatGPT support OpenAI An 100 billion dollars tracks 5-Gigawatt computing center names Stargate Bauen. That’s good Leistung, um 3.7 million US Haushalte so cared for. Würde man die Datencenter mit Solarstrom versorgen wollen, Bräuchte a photovoltaic module on 280,000 Fußballfeldernthe Tag and Nacht Strom produce.

KI-Anwendungen benötigen nicht nur fürs Training, sondern auch in der Nutzung deutlich more Strom as herkömmliche Lösungen. A message on the chatbot ChatGPT quickly gives Goldman Sachs 10 times the energy of a Google search. By 2030 sollen dadurch 2.5 Billion Tons of CO2 in the atmosphere is ausgestoßen. Zum Vergleich: Ganz Österreich stößt jährlich etwa 70 million tons out.

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Grünstrom bezahlt, dreckiger Strom verbraucht

IT systems are aware of the problem, Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft If it is not, the CO2 emissions will not increase. It is possible that you can use all the energy you need to increase the energy from your energy. If you do that, it is likely that these energies will not end up in the series of the internal networks. So if you have a certificate of a far-flung wind farm, you will also use the power from a nearby gas power plant.

The Three Mile Island Atompower plant power supply is not directly placed in Microsoft’s assets, under regional power network and etwa 65 Millionen Menschen im Nordosten der USA teleilt. In Trockenen Tüchern dieser Deal alldings noch long nicht. A Reaktorblock installed in 2028 is no longer so free from Freigabe use Atmosphere of the US. The best first attempt to start, the part of the anlage can be used and will be performed even more. The Betrieb of Three Mile Island is no longer a problem, the Microsoft research of the current from the atomic energy has no direct use anymore, a woman on fossil energy sources Coal, Earth and Earth Gas meaning of words.

Mini-Atomkraftwerke als Lösung

Microsoft has forced the Entwicklung discovery Mini Atom Power Plantssogenannten small modular reactors. These sollen nicht nur billiger beker als major AKW, sinden können voor allem auch near data centers errichtet were, the two fossils of energy are being looked at. The development of small modular reactors has put everything in its infancy and is everything that is different, this is the only way you can do this.

➤ Read more: Mini-Atomkraftwerke: Darauf founded Microsoft and Bill Gates

Atomic power gilded as emission-free, is enormous. While the energy industry itself does not release any energy, there is criticism of the emissions, which are for the upcoming construction of Kraftwerk and the Abbau of the Brennstoffs. The end of the radioactive radio failure is a bigger problem. The technology prefers constant energy and ist Keinen taglichen und saisonalen Schwankungen subjected to Sonnen- en Windenergie.

Atomkraft is also perfect for KI-Rechenzentren z eignen, the run um die Uhr Strom verbrauchen – so less so long, bis Wind and Solar energie that energiespeichermöglichkeiten erheblich ausgebaut since. It is all difficult for the Technik-Unternehmen, fast In the development of artistic intelligence to invest, one will not be held back by the competition.

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Not that Microsoft has ever used atomic energy, either Amazon buys a research center for a year in the vicinity an AKW, that is 100 percent with nuclear energy operate is. Google and Microsoft are jointly investing in more nuclear fusion startups. Microsoft is poised to get the first new energy, which will get energy in 2028 Nuclear fusion dear will.

Cooperation with oil companies

One thinks that all zero-emission energies are zero-emission energy sources that do not fall under the fallen burdens: Companies that Microsoft has aligned in the first line, money that earns, not as the climate control. Despite the former climate-conscious companies, the companies behind the Kulissen work with Oil entrepreneurs who Shell and Exxonmobil are sister – on the other hand, um that one Optimize fuel and gas supply.

Other side of the matter Artistic intelligence If the potential is there, the world can be a lot bigger than the machine. In Forschung the duration of the branding can take place, in Unternehmen the Effizienz-piers and the Gesellschaft can bring more Wohlstand.