
Frauen erhalten schlechtere Versorgung •

Frauen erhalten schlechtere Versorgung •

Portrait photo of Prof. Julia Weinmann-Menke

Prof. Dr. Julia Weinmann-Menke

Weinmann-Menke: “This question is the leader and only unsatisfied by beans. If it is good, you should give your wife a CKD feeling. If you want to lie, if the woman regularly goes to the doctor and does other things like men, we may not be treated in the right way.

The woman becomes more and more mental or psychosomatic, while the ground in her work is muted, so that the thought can focus on a CKD attack. In general there is no objective basis, why women receive less diagnosis, monitoring and therapy, soda dies in further studies was analyzed and everything possible could happen that the inflow factors had to be taken in.