
What is a Load Balancer?

What is a Load Balancer?

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What is a Load Balancer?

Providers of the subject

During a real analysis of the start-up, a Load Balancer was installed in the data center, which allowed for an ever-increasing assessment for you. This load balancing is an optimal processing of the available system resources.

Final run: A Load Balancer handles network traffic on multiple servers, thus avoiding performance bottlenecks.

(Photo: frei lizenziert: Stefan Schweihofer / Pixabay)

A Load Balancer distributes the workload to two or more servers. In the Datacenter, the headquarters of the load distribution is suitable for all data, network traffic on the built-in server, an overload of the avoided. When the server was executed, the delay was likely. Parallel dazu sorts Load Balancing for higher production and performance and minimizes the Ausfallzeiten in Rechenzentrum.

Vielseitiger Einsatz in the data center

The typical data center application fallacies of load balancing are based on the representation of web and database requests and email traffic that provide the representation of loads on different virtual machines and cloud instances. For the high availability system, the last representation of an individual role is displayed, causing the problem to cause a subsequent failover on the available server. Also Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) have set a high load balancing, a medium scale and a number of tasks that can meet your needs.

Load Balancing installs a Load Balancer, which can be software or hardware based. If Letzerem is dealing with a physical device, the network is integrated and is one of the last business activities. Software Load Balancer can run on a server or in a virtual machine.

Load distribution by algorithm

With the help of algorithms that optimize the Load Balancer, the server solves a problem. These algorithms fall into two main categories: static Load Balancing algorithms and dynamic Load Balancing algorithms.

Both bring a fore and night, that is another jewel method that brings the latest view of useful and unnoticed on the changes in the server load react. The right algorithms are related to the specific hardware investments and the supported IT infrastructure of the research centers.

Global Load Balancing: With Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB), or Geographic Load Balancing, the Load Balancer distributes network traffic across more globally distributed locations. (Image: AVI Networks)
Versatile Load Balancing: Beim Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB), or Geographic Load Balancing, represents the Load Balancer of network traffic with more globally representative standards.

(Image: AVI Networks)

Static Load Balancing Algorithms: Use the rules for displaying data traffic. These rules will not last long and will not last longer.

Static Load Balancing Algorithms It is a way to implement dynamic Load Balancing algorithms using a lesser investigation, which does not provide a real analysis of the server statistics. Consists of static Load Balancing algorithms with „Round Robin“, „Weighted Round Robin“ and „IP Hash“.

Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms: You can continuously perform the server load and display the failure messages and perform the server operation. Experience is more research as static Load Balancing algorithms. Examples for dynamic Load Balancing algorithms are ‘Least Connection’, ‘Weighted Least Connection’, ‘Least Response Time’, ‘Resource-based’ and ‘Global Server Load Balancing’ (GSLB).
