
UBS has AMS-Osram on ‘Buy’ – See high at 1.60 francs ()

UBS has AMS-Osram on ‘Buy’ – See high at 1.60 francs ()

ZURICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) – Schweizer Großbank UBS has upgraded AMS-Osram from “Neutral” to “Buy” and the price has risen from 1.20 to 1.60 francs. The experts in light and sensor measurements are rosy, Harry Blaiklock is busy carrying out an analysis of the service. If the children are given a chance to react to the market, they can take risks. Zudem seien die Sorgen in puncto Liquidität und Schulden inzwischen überschaubar./ag/zb Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 23.09.2024 / 21:31 / GMT Erstmalige Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 24.09.2024 / Uhrzeit in Studie nicht angegeben / GMT Hinweis : Information sur offenlegungsp liability in case of conflicts of interest in the sin of § 85 Abs. 1 WpHG, art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the generated analyst house can be found at