
Two are the principles of solidarity in the health system

Two are the principles of solidarity in the health system

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Of the critical core of the solidarity principles, 30 percent now show positive insights into the general systems.

A larger part of the people in Germany is the meaning, the solidarity principles in the health system are no longer a simple solution. An active action is taken during the research on the direct translation of the DA Direkt.

It is one of the three-fourfold surplus values ​​of the German language, which has taken over the right to a treatment of the Ursache from the Erkrankung and 58 percent of the companies have a solid basis for the principles of solidarity. Gleichzeitig stimulates half (55 percent) of the Forderung zu, dass Personen, die sich bewusst een hohen Verletzungs-bzw. Risk of illness (from Beispiel Extremsportler or der Raucher), höhere Krankenkassenbeiträge will be solved.

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“A clear summary, if a common risk is a problem, is ethically very tricky. It seems that the next people follow the next generations. If you want to give a clear hint about a solidary medical basic care, make a connection with the Ursache der Erkrankung”, said René Billing, Vorstand Direct Insurance at DA Direkt.

A genauerer Blick in de ergebnisse zeige, die Positive Erfahrungen with dem Gesundheitssystem dessen Akzeptanz scaffolden: Über de Halfte derjenigen, die de Solidarprinzip befürworten (53 Prozent), sind mit der ärztlichen Gesundheitsorgung in Deutschland zufrieden. Of the critical core of the solidarity principles, 30 percent of the positive developments in the field of general systems now apply. Inspections were made of 1,210 persons.