
Who knows if Google Pay and Apple Pay work?

Who knows if Google Pay and Apple Pay work?

If you contact your smartphone, you can make the biggest expenses with Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay. The physical credit card goes through the service and can earn its own money with the house. There is a Bundesbank study started with mobile payments (6 percent) which is not yet widespread at the moment – which is a schneller than your other Zahlungsart. For all young people, the smartphone or a smartwatch of its time is a smartphone or smartwatch: in the group of 25 to 34 years old who has been active for 14 years.

Want to know more about your smartphone? If this is a problem, you may not be out of pocket: I focus on the classic credit cards that the Sicherheitsvorkehrungen of Apple Pay & Co. If it is good, if you have a tokenization, one of the most common health benefits is a physical card to buy.

So the security mechanism functions

If the card is displayed on one of the apps, sensible information is obtained about the 16-digit number and the date on which the data was not copied. Statistics can the app at the bank or the credit cards of a token ab. You can change the credit card number by using an automatically generated number (the token). If the smartphone is hacked or the token is deleted, it is worth using a device or an authentication method.

Often, when using a portion of the tokens, a factory tower with a date and time can be used, but it cannot happen that something is swapped. The tokenization mechanism works when you trade on the station when shopping online.

The token is now implemented with apps using Google Pay and Apple Pay, the identification of the users can best be carried out – in the control function is indemnified by registering the card with a password by SMS.

There are many communication apps available with NFC-Schnittstelle (Near Field Communication) on smartphones. So the payment per Antippen and the payment terminal is possible. As new as the physical credit card is, with an NFC tag is now available to make the terminal work. The smartphone protection service has done everything in this area: if you can hint and use more cards, you can do it too.

Was passionate about the pleasure of the Handys?

If your smartphone is lost or misplaced, it can never appear on the card that comes with Apple Pay and the Google Wallet suffix.

The data is used with a blocked screen password or biometric markers that have protected the fingers. Selbst on the Apple Watch must be used when activating a digital method to set a PIN. If it is one of the physical credit cards that has been lost, you can buy a finder or diebe with the card that you have pinned. Often in the shops again only the entry a PIN nor a signature required.

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