
In Hallbergmoos, two days were lived for 125 years

In Hallbergmoos, two days were lived for 125 years

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In Hallbergmoos, two days were lived for 125 years
“Rosenheim Cop” Dieter Fischer is not now a Rarität, a DZM 25 (Baujahr 1939). It is known that the Schichte der Firma Schlüter is a different person. © Oestereich

Many historical historical attractions go to the house in Hallbergmoos, on the Hausler-Hof 125 years ago Firma Schlüter zu feiern. With the war against “Rosenheim-Cop” and Schlüter-Fan Dieter Fischer.

Hallbergmoos – 125 years ago Anton Schlüter started in a small workshop at the Munich Ostbahnhof, Motoren enter. Dort stands the cradle of the starry-eyed Schlüter tractors, died around 1937 by Freising during the siege of Europe. Since 1993 the Schlepper was no longer produced. If you once have a real Fangemeinde, it is now with the 1. Schlüter Club Freising the anniversary at the Hausler-Hof in Hallbergmoos feierte.

Eingeladen zwitägigen Feldtagen, Feierlichkeiten und Treffen ehemaliger Mitarbeiter hatte Martin Sedlmeier (1. Vorsitzender), Hans Helminger jun. (Stellvertreter) and the Club-Kollegen. Der Verein zählt 450 Mitglieder from Germany, Austria, Italy and Luxembourg. Organized every four years by the Verein with Sitz in Hallbergmoos Großveranstaltungen with hunderten Traktoren and tausenden Besuchern. He says that the meeting is a smaller number: “That depends on the results. Auf dem großen Areal gibt’s heuer keinen Mais. Deshalb said: “Make a small, gemütliches festival,” so Sedelmeier.

The war is being looked at at the party, while the Fischer (r.) held a Vortag on the history of the Schlüter company. The anniversary year began 125 years ago with oldtimerfreunde at the Hausler-Hof in Hallbergmoos.
The war is being looked at at the party, while the Fischer (r.) held a Vortag on the history of the Schlüter company. The anniversary year began 125 years ago with oldtimerfreunde at the Hausler-Hof in Hallbergmoos. © Oestereich

Wobei small natural relativistic: 150 Schlepper bestelten das Feld, ackerten, häckselten und bereiteten den Boden auf. Everything comes from “Oldies” – sprich: small Kraftpakete, which were produced between 1937 and 1970. Most of the restorers of land machines, ersatzteile and stand engines were on the best ground.

There is a war going on between Dieter Fischer and the History of the Company Schlüter: “I have been buried in the Archive, have Staatsbibliothek and landwirtschaftliche Quellen durchforstet”, says the FT. Dieter Fischer, a breiten Publikum als Schauspieler (“Rosenheim-Cops”), can be a ausgewiesener Schlüter-Experte. Sein Vater Karl-Heinz war was the first chef of the Freisinger Schlüter-Werke.

Beim „Ehemaligen“-Treff ließen Schlüter-Mitarbeiter ihre Erinnerungen aufleben. One person has traveled a distance of 660 kilometers from Selfkant, the western community of Germany, an. While the last war took place in September 1951, the Azubi continued in September 1952 – and the Company died to its last death.