
Rückraum-Ass Weber fehlt Magdeburg für längere Zeit

Rückraum-Ass Weber fehlt Magdeburg für längere Zeit

Rückraumspieler Philipp Weber will play the German Handball-Meister SC Magdeburg as his assistant for longer. „Wir haben am vergangen Freitag einen small Test gemacht mit ihm. This is a new process. If you have received a message about a new version, it has been longer since the soft drink received an Ausfallzeit of more Wochen ausgehen müssen,” reported SCM Trainer Bennet Wiegert.

The 32 years ago we have walked more roads that the Champions-League game will play in the Norwegian Meister Kolstad and the Bundesliga-Kracher that the THW Kiel passes. The 87-year-old Nationalspieler played the double winner now in the fall in the premier class at the Vorjahresfinalisten Aalborg HB and the old Club-WM in Ägypten.

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