
“Bauer sucht Frau”: “Das läuft ja schon mal mit der Zunge”

“Bauer sucht Frau”: “Das läuft ja schon mal mit der Zunge”

“Bauer seeks woman”
“There is joy in the sun”

From Kai Butterweck

Zum 20. Staffelgeburtstag lädt Inka Bause 14 beziehungsbereite Bauern nach Brandenburg ein. If you know more about your knowledge, you will be able to attend it later. Einem Bauern is the cleaner of this problem.

“Bauer seeks woman” in the stream

On RTL+ all the time Follow the “Bauer sucht Frau” schon a week for TV-Ausstrahlung zum Streamen.

“If you have started with Bauer sucht Frau for 20 years, the youngest Bauer of these years’ Jubiläumsstaffel has been around for a long time. Jetzt sucht is even after the greatest love! Isn’t it toll!”, exclaims Inka Bause about the Beginning of the Jubiläumsstaffel from “Bauer sucht Frau”. In 2005, there was no question of being confident, being able to believe in religion and having faith in Dating-Formaten der Republik. On 20. The anniversary of a man who has a demented cock on a nimmt-mal-eben 14 Liebesuchende aus all Ecken des Landes with on the trip.

When the big problem arises, you start all candidates with the lesson of inserted briefings. The 23-year-old Yannik hat in those years of the most Fanpost has had a demented influence on Laune. With a self-chosen tonkabohnen-like sollen three auserwählten Heartdammen at the Scheunenfest around the finger were wound. In the Brandenburgian idyll, chief manager Inka Bause brings about great knowledge. I see the moderation as one of the few people who are looking for single ladies. “Here are your women and your men!”, Inka opens the big Ballspaß.

Jungbauer Yannik hates these years of most Bewerberinnen. Jungbauer Yannik hates these years of most Bewerberinnen.

Jungbauer Yannik hates these years of most Bewerberinnen.

(Photo: RTL Stefan Gregorowius)

Pfauenfedernsträuße, Hufeisen and ganz fell Likör

If it doesn’t take long, the temperature is always high. Jewels of trauma princes and trauma princes were also worn. And then the big cutback is almost loose. To meet the demand, we quickly forward the gift vouchers. If the anniversary staff puts the ‘Feiern’ candidates of the wort on the calendar, you may get a flashy high percentage on your Mitbringsel-beutel. Nowhere could it be that there is a hand-made factory and a packaging package on the gift packaging. It could be that there is a natural shock.

Milchbauer Heino is not impressed by the intestines. The 50-year landwirt has been used for three trauma princes with self-confidence. At the sales price for all Tantra masseur Gernot with all aspects of “Ausschleckkunst” in the Rampenlicht: “That makes you feel good with the sun!”, Witzelt Bauer Heino. Trampeltier-Kenner and Huftier-Freund Marvin has fallen for your spaß zu haben. After all, Marvin explains with a stern look: “The chameleon is a goldfish!” Marvin explains with a stern look. Well, the fact is that everything in the picture happened. Gosh heavy.

Milchbauer Heino gets to know the Candidates Gernot, Markus and Björn. Milchbauer Heino gets to know the Candidates Gernot, Markus and Björn.

Milchbauer Heino gets to know the Candidates Gernot, Markus and Björn.

(Photo: RTL Stefan Gregorowius)

A disaster light moment for Vergessen

If man had come up with the idea that: Wer daheim with the Gedanken playelt, sich in Zukunft auch in irgendeiner Function bei “Bauer sucht Frau” zu bewerben, the sollte clear, that the ungefragte Drängen ins Rampenlicht not immer zum Erfolg fuhrt. 21-year-old Anna learns this Lektion in an unusual moment. Ihrem Bauern Paul has made a first attempt to take out the acoustic guitar and look at Whitney-Houston-Double. Life is no longer one of Sarah’s most special childhood years in the Ohren.

A few minutes separate Sachse Paul from the ladies Viola and Sarah. The poor Anna is now familiar with the experience that “Music” no longer exists. Of course, the Inka-schnell for Ort ist and the first Staffeltränen-trocknen kann.

Kurz vor dem Feierabend-Bierchen sich dann nor de Frage: Who is the eigentliche Reitlehrer Heiner? Also, the two occupants Damen Ulrike and Heike are in pain with their child. The 70s should start with ball games in the Krankenhaus. The upbringing that Bauern has undergone is so profound that the man is taken to the nearest hospital in a rescue vehicle in his security hall. Since the care of the patients in the hospital will take place during the Scheunenfest kommen en seine Frauen endlich kenlernen kann, erährt der Format-Fan aber first next week.