
Intel: Seitwärtskonsolidierung verlassen () |

Intel: Seitwärtskonsolidierung verlassen () |

After the massive Kurssturz of Intel-Aktie in August took over a unilateral consolidation of the paper, it is dependent on the right consolidation of the world at the higher levels. A technical examiner can now perform a part of the Kurslückenschluss with a longer chance of the actual work.

Technically, the capital level can be higher than the 22.00 US dollar levels used by Intel, and an income of 24.59 and 25.35 US dollars. Due to the sails, in the context of the group-set, it is so that the volatility of both is greater, we will the position of a dieser-stelle still become smaller, but a long investment in investments are made. Below 18.84 US dollars and then the diesjährigen Verlaufstiefs were deposited at 17.60 US dollars. The Intel is no longer included as Zocker-Papier.

Trading strategy:

1. Long position at a rate of 22.00 dollars is effective, stop at 20.25 dollars. Short term 24.59 / 25.35 dollars – speculative!

2. Clear short position below $18.50, stop at $20.50. Price soul 17.26 dollars

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Intel Corp. (US dollar chart)

Trend: Intel: Seitwärtskonsolidierung verlassen () |

Important map markers

Extended concepts:

22.67 // 23.86 // 25.35 // 26.86 US Dollar


22.00 // 18.84 // 17.60 // 16.63 US Dollar

Strategy for rising price




Open Ended Turbo Long

actually. Course:

0.66 – 0.67 euros


DZ bank

Basic price:

15.2819 US Dollars

Basic word:

Intel Corp.


15.2819 US Dollars

actually. Basic principle:

22.56 US Dollars


Open End


24.59 US Dollars



Price probability:

Falling Price Strategy




Open end turbo short

actually. Course:

4.68 – 4.69 euros


DZ bank

Basic price:

27.7227 US Dollars

Basic word:

Intel Corp.


27.7227 US Dollars

actually. Basic principle:

22.56 US Dollars


Open End




Price probability:

conflict of interest

Comments on the best conflict of interest after § 34b Abs. 1 no. 2 WpHG:

If you know that the FSG Financial Services Group or an affiliated company is active in the Letzten-Zwolf-Monaten, there is an entity-business organization at the DZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft.

The author declares that, for example, if an advisor or a person with his or her advisor is a party to the possession of financial instruments, on which the analysis is conducted, for example, in the last 12 months after the analysis of the issues of financial instruments, war was waged. This is how it was done Possibility of conflicts of interest.

The authors have continued with the analysis of a journalistic beach report, in which the messages about the message statistics are read, so that knowledge can be gained about the content and its consequences.

Trailer lock

The herausgeber-overnimmt-keine-proces for the factual, short, complete or high-quality information. If you appeal to the Herausgeber, you can focus on Damage material or idealler art, while you go through the Use or Non-use of the boat information bzw. By the use failure and incomplete information required, are fundamentally closed. All data and information are no longer available if there is a transaction or a transaction. If you propose the previous strategies, you can find an answer to your question, or still not. For every business bzw. Before you can perform a transaction, it is performed in the personal and business way. Although it is not even so that trading with options or guarantees can take fundamental risks, a total enjoyment of the existing capital goods is not possible. All offers are free and unbinding. After processing the texts, the Publication / Execution is only valid with the express approval of FSG Financial Services Group GbR.

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