
Hesse launched the new foot-fell technology against violence

Hesse launched the new foot-fell technology against violence

To improve the prevention of criminal offences, Hesse is activating a new generation of electronic foot fetters. This technology was an example of the woman’s edginess – the so-called Spanish model for the country that is in the starkmacht of the Bundesrat.

“We are very happy with our lives, we have a long lasting relationship with our family, and we are happy with our legal basis,” said Justice Minister Christian Heinz (CDU) in Wiesbaden. An electronic aircraft can become a kind of human superguard.

The Spanish model

The most popular Spanish models are the best technology in Germany that can get the best out of the justice ministers, so that there can be no end to the work sons that are expected.

Women can be warned

We can find a best way to make one of the best choices in Blick mode so that a human gets a chance. Damit was a woman who lived there for long periods of time with their wishes.

New generation technology

In the new generation of technology, the electronic power supply of the Täters can be carried out with a GPS connection, which can increase the power. The system protects the position of the Angreifers as the possibilities. If the aggressor and the victim call an absichtlich or inabsichtlich nähern, a longer alarm is postponed. If you have a pan button, there is a great Help to rufen.

Gesetzliche Verankerung der electronic Fußfessel

The Hessian Federal Council Initiative envisions another one, the electronic Footfessel in the Gewaltschutzgesetz – a Federal Law – to anchor. The police forces of the federal states are able to live in their own country, while they are now a short-term fresh and forward-looking, oriented to the long term greifen können.

Often no revocation prohibitions can be used

After Mr. Justice Minister Heinz had done his job, the fact that the dominion over the issue had been tried, would often not be done anymore. With electronic fußfesseln the best possible cases of verteilte Penalties are überwacht after a Haftstrafe.

Weisser Ring unterstützt initiative

The Landesvorsitzende der Opferschutzorganisation Weisser Ring, Patrick Liesching, supported the Hessian Initiative. “We have had a quantitative and qualitative relationship with each other in our current partnerships”, it was written there. Durchschnittlich und jedem driRITen Tag komme es in Deutschland zur Tötung een Frau.

Mangelnde Abschreckung door bishige Schutzmaßnahmen

“Besides the fact that the power has affected my dabei, it could be that my tod has a state gewandt and a single legal notice of non-compliance,” Liesching said. The bisherigen Schutzmöglichkeiten schreckten Täter nicht effectively genug ab.

Überwachung von Weiterstadt aus

The electronic electronic Fußfesseln in Germany is formed by the electronic Überwachungsstelle der Länder (GÜL) in the southern Weiterstadt-überwacht. There are 180 Probanden active, such as GÜL-Leiterin Alma Friedrichs. The experts have reached an alarm of 1,000 alarms per month, but in 30 cases the police cases have ended.

Responses to hiding against guard sons

Gerät ein Proband in een verbotene Zone, dann über das Vibrieren seiner Fußfessel gezeigt, erklärte Friedrichs. If you use the GÜL computer, you can contact one of the alarm signals you hear. Zeige sich der Fußfesselträger unkooperativ, worde de Polizei informiert, erläuterte Friedrichs. In GÜL work, the calibers of professional tires can be used. They are also welcome by people with a possible professional background.

Subject of the Football Association in the Federal Council

The Hessian Federal Council Initiative for the Reform of the Protective Orders was to be discussed in the Federal Council on the coming Friday (27.09.). Following the work of Minister of Justice Heinz, the black government coalition breathed new life into the regulation for the Fußfessel at a higher level.