
Europa League – Hoffenheim on Kramaric at Europa League Start – Sports

Europa League – Hoffenheim on Kramaric at Europa League Start – Sports

Herning (dpa) – Ohne Rekordtorjäger Andrej Kramaric had to leave the TSG 1899 Hoffenheim in the best of the Europa League. The Croatian Stürmer fell to the level of the Mittelfeldspieler Anton Stach for the match at FC Midtjylland am Mittwoch (21.00 Uhr/RTL) aus. Dies is trainer Pellegrino Matarazzo am Abend.

We see the help of Dennis Geiger, who matches Abwehrchef Florian Grillitsch for the reassignment to the German Master and Tablesführer wieder. The TSG is starting the new League formats on the pressing issue. After three lower levels in the Fußball Bundesliga, Unruhe joined the team with Matarazzo with a “Tapetenwechsel, fresh start and new energy”.

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