
Teuer wie ein Edel-Hotel: Europas größtes Flüchtlingslager in Berlin | News

Berlin – 12-square-meter room, upstairs open, with 14 residents, men, women and children mixed, dirty toilets and showers, in the summer of summer, in the winter it is quiet, no privacy. And my guests are in a noble hotel.

Was there at the same time at Flughafen Tegel in Berlin passion, in the greatest Flycatchers– and Migrantenlager Europas, is an Irrsinn. “Geldverrennungsmaschine”, nennt es de Migrationspolitische Sprecher der Berliner Grünen, Jian Omar (39).

2020 hob from Tegel Airport der letzte Flieger ab. Dann comb a Corona-Impfzentrum. Then those Flüchtlinge and Migranten. Four Fünftel davon Ukrainian, dazu Iraqi, Afghans and Syrer.

Click on one of the following methods to

Click on one of the following ways to use “Zimmer”. For your people he has fallen for the 250 Euro Steuergelder pro Tag an

Photo: Til Biermann

Unterbringung kostent so fell wie im 5-Sterne-Hotel

Etwa 5000 live in mittlerweile in 45 light construction halls, which are open to people, 8000 residents are living there. Quickly 500 million euros Steuergelder costs in the Auftrag des Landesamts für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten (LAS) vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz betriebene Camp pro Jahr. This is a purchase for a price of 250 Euro – pro Tag. Dafür könnte men jeden eeninzelnen in eeninem Luxus-Hotel to accommodate.

Jian Omar waged a war for his political work often in the form of Sicherheitskraften and Zäunen abgeschotteten Lager, must ensure that this vigilance is ensured that journalists report, and journalists will now take care of their foreign travel.

“Tegel cost them so fell who other Unterkünfte, which fell better Standards haben,” said Omar zu BILD.

It is a fact that there is a few billion dollars, said this about: There is a message of a message that probably generated a lot of Sicherheitsleute, because it is the case that there are more and more problems.

In the Zelten there are chaotic scenes on the Platzmangels. Manche live here über Jahre

In the Zelten there are chaotic scenes on the Platzmangels

Photo: Til Biermann

“Backdoor financing”

For the “Spiegel”, which has been investigated continuously, the security officer would have to pay 24,000 euros per year – a small amount. Letztlich bezahlt were allendings 155 000 Euro – von Shipping money.

Omar said: “The state-owned Messe Berlin received a provision of 15 percent for all the security equipment they provide. Ohne Tegel has a big financial problem. So that’s a back-financing.”

Green politician Jian Omar for the ehemaligen Flughafen

Green politician Jian Omar for the ehemaligen Flughafen

Photo: Til Biermann

Women complain about Belästigung

900 children who are forced to pay their bills are in an Art Lagerschule continuously, so that they get a chance, if they are integrated. Women complain about sexual exposure by Sicherheitskräfte and other Flüchtlinge.

Omar: “There will be a massive kitchen of the Security Service and Kurdischen Geflüchteten. The Kurds were reviled as an unheard-of thing because of the Kurdish attitude towards the security of Islamist people. An Arab has heard the Koran, a Kurdish man has heard it. It’s escalierte. It’s a fact raid and it is a matter of clarity that a drop of security power is not the necessary paper hat.”

The beggar comes with a bus to the camp and again rauf. Everything is strong

The beggar comes with a bus to the camp and again out. Everything is strong

Photo: Til Biermann

“Give me 100 euros and I’m a king”

BILD speaks to the bus stop, which keeps its head above water, and to the business community of Zelte. Darunter is a young man with Dave (22) and Issa (18) from the Ukrainethe men, it is all in the order, are the essence and a bet. Others, like Ilya (25), who ebenfalls from the Ukraine, see it differently. “Give me 100 euros a day and I’m in Berlin with a king. And not with dirty toilets and bad food”, he says. The food, for the Jobcenter costs 180 euros, it is quickly a new bar.

A woman has come out of a 12-square-meter box, who has financed a hotel, that is to say, the money comes out of the closet. That is prevented by Tegel-Management. “People can find no problem, tiles can be welded and live in their home. People have the final push, that they have a swing, to live here, because they get money in public”, she says. “My stay here in Tegel is unrefreshed.”

Ilya in front of the bus in Lager

Ilya in front of the bus in Lager

Photo: Til Biermann

When Christ covers

Ukrainian D. (35), who was afraid of the oppressive anonymous will, reports about unhaltbaren Zuständen. TheftTires, Bedrohungen. There is lebt with Frau and Baby in Lager. “My family is Christian, I want to spend a day and a night with Muslims in the kitchen,” says. Whoever stands in life when life has begun, can say that the Krieg in Ukraine finally ends under the Heimat that lies on the ground.

Especially the health insurance is sensible. “Medicament has recently been widely distributed. My wife was sick for four days, but first looked after her skin and took them with her tablets. And that’s how it is with everyone Diseases nur, man solle mehr Wasser trinken“, says D.

Auch Vika (55) from the country of Eastern Ukraine in Tegel. If you use a beautiful flower pattern, speak good German, that is what you will achieve yourself. “End Frauen were robbed, one of the men with the money, that’s a problem. Und der Alkohol!”, said.

“Viele lie auf dem Bett und machen nichts”

If you are in the camp for four months, you still cannot go to the campsite. “Many lie on the bed and do nothing, without these documents you cannot get a German course, you dare not work”, he said. Now that the Roma are Ukrainian, this layer is arranged. If you yourself are busy washing other people, a small room for your money.

If you are happy, if the Lagerverwaltung is an interesting thought, man will probably last a long time. “250 Euro a day for us?”, said. “Where is this money?” If Germany is not in the low state, the Ukrainian government is integrated, but there are still people who are not in power in the Ukrainian front region.

In the accommodations you can place people, dogs and rats on cats

In the accommodations you can place people, dogs and rats on cats

Photo: private

Politician Jian Omar came out as a student Syria after Germany. There are many people who end up in a free country, but it is a search for a solution. It has been said that it is likely that a man in Berlin can earn money by buying asylum seekers. “For women, children and old people, it is a huge challenge to live here. You have to spend a long time here, if you don’t want to spend so many years here”, it says.

Dave and Issa from Ukraine say everything in order. Dave said:

Dave and Issa from Ukraine say everything in order. Dave said: “We could make a comment here about a solution to a problem. Was braucht een Mensch zoon?”

Photo: Til Biermann

Until 2025, one half million euros will be transplanted

From the national Messe Berlin heißt is zu BILD: “Aufgrund der hohen Zahl ankommender Menschen in Berlin, die vor dem War Because of the Ukrainian flights, the Messe Berlin 2022 would be a humanitarian catastrophe by the Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten beauftragt.”

Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz requires auf BILD-Nachfrage and das Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten. From here it is: “The soul of the complex tiles is well developed and is, the notation is so fast that it is possible to abzubauen.”

In the Lager it says Zelt and Zelt

In the Lager it says Zelt and Zelt

Photo: Til Biermann

This is not the case: in 2025, half a million euros would be sold for Tegel.