
Waldorf Verein Villach has celebrated an anniversary: ​​the Waldorfschule Villach is one year later!

Waldorf Verein Villach has celebrated an anniversary: ​​the Waldorfschule Villach is one year later!

The anniversary celebration of the Verein Waldorf Villach is a major holiday: On Samstag, on October 19, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, you can submit a request in the Alltag in Kleinkindgruppen, Kindergarten and Schule Gewinnen. Take a look at the past experiences of the guests and buntes programs with herbal culture, varied musical performances, creative workshops for large and small groups with all-round self-confidence.

Die 10-Jahres-Feier takes place on Samstag, on October 19, 2024, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Räumlichkeiten der Waldorfschule and the kindergartens in der Unteren Fellach, Mühlenweg 29, 9500 Villach, statt. Egal ob Fans, Freunde, Familie, Nachbarn, Interessierte or einfach nur nurgierige: Everything is free from Eintritt right herezlich willkommen. Mitmachen can be man in all kinds of workshops with holistic schnitzen, filzen or basteln. Zum Essen wird’s köstliches Herbstliches geben – sowohl Hauptspeisen as well as Coffee and Kitchen. In the Waldorf tradition one can find Selbstgemachtes and Selbstgebasteltes am Basar erstehen.

Die Geschichte der Waldorfschule in Villach

When the first years of an initiative came into being, the mittlerweile of a festivities institution in Villach became: the Waldorf school started the first 8 debts and became 60 years older; additionally gives a Waldorf kindergarten with 2 grandchildren and 2 kindergarten groups. A look back at the history of this educational institution was given as a part of the festival.

Anniversary party and Waldorf day in one

The big Feier is shown at the Herbstfest event with the Austrian “Waldorf Day” in one: the highest, the party functions on an Art Day of the insulting Tür. Who also on a place in the Waldorf-Grandchild group, in the kindergarten or in the school interesting, find Ort Eltern who teachers and caretakers for, who from the first hand A look in ‘What is Waldorf’ can be. Everyone can start with the feeling of the largest part of the education and the arrangement of the class and the kindergarten, a first end in the free time to start. Musical performances and performances by students ran the program. View the information about the available Erstklässler (Mi 13.11.), for all including Quereinsteiger in the Waldorfschule (Mi 22.1.2025) so that the Tag der openen Tür der Waldorfschule (Fr 24.1.2025) stehen schon vor der Tür. More information about the Waldorfschule can be found at

And was it a Waldorf school?

The Waldorf Pathogic, started in 1919 by Rudolf Steiner, is based on the Reform Pathogic. With 1,100 debts and 2,000 kindergartens in more than 80 provinces, which offer a complete education model, it is the basis of individual education and the development of creativity, social responsibility and other ideas. The curriculum is oriented towards the child’s childhood and lung phase and continues with craftsmanship, handicrafts and practical clothing, one of the most diverse types of well-being and own roles that look good. The worldwide translation of leisure activities said that the most vulnerable parts of a statue, the head, the heart and the handicrafts would be an example.