
US-Börsen empty zu – Verbrauchervertrauen deutlich gesunken

US-Börsen empty zu – Verbrauchervertrauen deutlich gesunken

US-Börsen empty zu – Verbrauchervertrauen deutlich gesunkenThe US-Börsen has taken over the service. This trading in New York was worth 42,208 points, with a plus in the price of 0.2 percent compared to the previous trading day. A few minutes were spent expanding the S&P 500 with a beef 5.725 Punkten 0.2 Prozent in Plus, the technology stock exchange Nasdaq berechnete the Nasdaq 100 with this Zeitpunkt with bovine 19.945 Punkten 0.5 Prozent in Plus. The Verbrauchervertrauen in the USA are one of the German zurückgegangs in September, where the Forschungsorganisation Conference Board focuses. An index from 105.6 points in August to 98.7 points in September.

All components of the index are nach. Particularly because the situation is worse, the person who experiences this situation is aware of it. One of the most important costs for the European Community Währung is: One euro costs 1.1174 US dollars, a dollar war is paid for 0.8949 euros. The Goldpreis can earn German profits and will yield a profit of 2,663 US dollars (+1.3 Prozent). A price of 76.63 Euro per gramm was paid. The price is German: A Fass der Nordsee-Sorte Brent costs at the service of 22 Uhr deutscher Zeit 75.16 US-Dollar, which was 1.7 Prozent more as am Schluss of the previous Handelstags.

Photo: Wall Street in New York, über dts Nachrichtenagentur