
Media: WHO: Online-Verhalten von Jugendlichen became more aware

Media: WHO: Online-Verhalten von Jugendlichen became more aware

More youth when it comes to the world health organization WHO in Europe, there are problems with smartphones on this page. (Archivbild)
More youth when it comes to the world health organization WHO in Europe, there are problems with smartphones on this page. (Archivbild)


More youth when it comes to the world health organization WHO in Europe, there are problems with smartphones on this page. So you say it is better to post on social media.

Mädchen has new data from the WHO-Regionalbüros Europe that are higher (13 Prozent) Problems as Knaben (9 Prozent). More than you and your Dritte (36 Prozent) messageete demnach davon, constant with friends online in Kontakt zu stehen.

It has been investigated that there is an attempt at social media use among teenagers from 7 years ago in the year 2018 to 11 years ago in the year 2022, while the WHO Europe was on the basis of one of its most recent conclusions.

After WHO has gained more knowledge, there are 12 projects of the youthful love, a gaming publication that focuses on starting an attempt to explore the market. The Copenhagen-based organization seeks in those two recognitions Ground for urgent concern in view of the effects of digital technology on mental health and the well-being of youth in Europe.

Positive and Negative Following Social Networks

“It is clear that social media is both positive and negative. Follow the health and well-being surveys of young people,” says WHO Regional Director Hans Kluge. Therefore, the Commitment of Digital Competence is so heavy. Dennoch sees this no longer in some federal states or does not stop with the pace of the Entwicklung Schritt.

With so many and many more masses, the possibilities of social media use in the Griff will be increased. If you experience depressive feelings, mobbing, anxiety and school achievements, warn Kluge. It focuses on attracting social networks that bring a strong social bond.

The new WHO recognition is one of the most important general studies, for the year 2022 quickly 280,000 children and youth in old age from 11, 13 and 15 years in 44 countries and regions in Europe, central Asia and Canada are informed. If you focus on social media, such a symptom characteristics are clearly defined, once you do that, if the human is no longer in control, the research or other activities can be carried out.

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