
Schnäppchenjäger, Partygänger, Families: We were ready to spend time with “Heidelberger Herbst” – Heidelberg – Nachrichten en Aktuelles

Schnäppchenjäger, Partygänger, Families: We were ready to spend time with “Heidelberger Herbst” – Heidelberg – Nachrichten en Aktuelles

By Holger Buchwald

Heidelberg. It’s so good: if you use the friends of the “Heidelberger Herbs” in September, you will enjoy it. 250,000 visitors have been visiting the region for a number of years, during which time the programs will be open on the same day, before they are sold on the next day.

Offiziell is available on the “Herbst” on Saturday at 11 o’clock on the Marktplatz. Davor and danach is fast for jeden dabei. There are no tips for the unqualified Zielgruppen.

>For ptarmigans: Frühstehen sollten Freunde von Trödel und Aussortiertem. At the Anwohner-Flohmarkt, starting at 7 am on Samstag, it doesn’t take much longer. Black beets die Altstadter in mehreren Gassen bis 19 Uhr ihre Waren an. But the best Stücke is gone as quickly as possible. Professional people from the region end up in the “herbal” world.

Especially the enthusiasm of the Flohmarkt around the Bridgentor. Historical and active photography can be a man in the Innenhof des Ateliers Lossen, Plöck 32a, erstehen. First visit: Der Accessoires-Flohmarkt mit Schals, Hüten, Gürteln und veldem more des Deutsch-Französischen Kulturzentrums, Mittelbadgasse 7/Ecke Ingrimstraße.

Also interesting

Strolling and shopping: Zum Heidelberger Herbstöffnen Altstadt-Händler am Sonntag

>For Tanners: If you are in the Altstadt, you can make music for your music taste and boats. After a visit to Metropolink’s Garden with light installations on the Fassaden on the Theaterplatz, the DJs Neville Atree, Rave3000 and others will play on Saturday from 21:00 in the other Theaterzaal. Tickets are issued on the Theaterplatz. “Rave door!” with House and Techno is called from 18:30 on the Nepomuk terrace, which will be played again this year from Halle 02.

If the Cover Music is on the market, it is aimed at the marketplace. Dort heizen at 19 Uhr Cate dem Publikum ein, a few Hundert Meter auf dem Karlsplatz wartet Lokalmatadorin Ingrid Schwarz from 18 Uhr mit ihrer Band auf das Feiervolk. Harter and Lauter are on the Heumarkt on the Bühne der Sonderbar – where the AC/DC cover band Dirty Deeds will play at 7:30 PM. The goose tag is a very distorted gift to the music of Menge Music.

>For children: Some people have come from the Staunen and Gucken, among others, who have young herbs on the Universitätsplatz behind – on the Mittelaltermarkt of the sinners’ agent, so that Saturday also stands on the Sonntag-stattfindet. On stage, Tamino, the Master Gaukler, will perform on Saturday at 12:30, at 19:30 it will be a fire show.

A daycare center is a flea market: Saturdays from 6:30 to 18:00 and Sundays from 11:00 to 18:00 at the Schulhof of the Theodor-Heuss-Realschule in the Sandgasse. Sundays can be spent dancing at the children’s disco with DJ Benny van Bär from 15:00 to 17:00 on the Nepomuk-Terrasse.

>For searches: Wer gar keinen Trubel had a chance, ist auf dem “Herbst” false. We would be happy to take a break during the day, so you can try your luck from 13 to 17 pm at the Seniorenzentrum Altstadt in Marstallstraße – in the Café-Oase with self-provided coffee, snacks and coffee.

>For a stress-free situation: In a round um die Altstadt it is a residential house with a high sales yield. The company is working on the Veranstalter “Heidelberg Marketing” a trip with the following activities. Free parking on the Messplatz on the Kirchheimer Weg. From here you go further with the Straßenbahnlinie 26 to Bismarckplatz.

Information: The complete program with more highlights and low plans can be found here:

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