
Le courant passe toujours entre Northvolt en le Québec, confirms Minister Fréchette

Le courant passe toujours entre Northvolt en le Québec, confirms Minister Fréchette

The new Energy Minister, Christine Fréchette, has been assured of the security of the financiers of the company Suédoise Northvolt, which is providing the principal sum for the development of the battery in Quebec.

• Also read: Le site de l’usine de Northvolt «va faire un très beau parc», ironizes Thomas Mulcair

• Also read: Quebec has received a $300 million top-up on Northvolt

• Also read: Project Northvolt: «C’est vraiment mal réfléchi»

The announcement of a company from the 1600s in Europe and the request for services of a New York firm specializing in restructuring plans that have brought their lives under the government, which can also invest 700 M$ for the project.

Or, at the moment when an organised organisation with Paolo Cerruti, the head chef of the management in Amérique du Nord, “assures Minister Fréchette that he will receive an order”.

“(Paolo Cerruti) is my volunteer firm of the front with the project ahead for Quebec. Nature itself of the project demeure. It is not that you have to pay back your activities if you are honest, when it comes to emissions The Bilan.

The large share of investments in Northvolt is a patron of an approach of “innovation in the financial field”, the minister assures.

«About a financing that knows the order, explique-t-elle. I am in the process of implementing a measure that will advance the project. As a result, an approach is adopted that is very cautious, reducing the risk to the maximum for Québécois.»

Northvolt is doing an exercise in the “order” in the car. At the moment, the company is pouring four new projects for their projects in Suède, in Germany and in Québec.

Carry out the entire conversation in the video recording.