
New disc golf course in Teltow: Bunte Scheiben im Anflug

New disc golf course in Teltow: Bunte Scheiben im Anflug

A neon-colored dividing line is separated by the sunny Form Day sky. It is the first thing that falls. With the Wurf erected Jürgen Stich, professional leader for public work of the city of Teltow, the brand new Disc Golf Course in Teltower Park. This presentation is about a number of play, play and fort writings at a Disc Golf Gymnast in Teltow.

The frisbee sport is a personal responsibility. The soul: A Scheibe with the most common changes in a Fangkorb from Metal on the shipyard. The Fangkorb will go golfing as Loch bezeichnet.

Das Besondere an dat Parcours: A hamburger would come from the burger during the financing of the Bürgerhaushalt. “The Teltower Bürgerschaft Projektwünsche äußern can be every two years. For these projects, 100,000 euros will be allocated for renovation,” says Stich.

The Neuer Platz is a “Segen” for the Verein

There is a bigger fan of citizens and more people who can enjoy “in the time of the Kassen der Kommunen”. “With the normal home would not come up with this idea.”

The installation of the Anlage finds a good cooperation with the Grace-Hopper-Gesamtschule ab. “Ich frue mich über diese Symbiosis. Schule is about the community and does not end at Schultor”, said the involved sports teacher Florian Müller, who had a project on the Parcours mitentwickelt Schüler in Rahmen. If you see pictures of the famous Schüler one of the Discgolf-Teams, this is an exciting war.

Schafft. That Scheibe is in the Fangkorb gelandet.

© Christopher Jähn

Angeleitet would have helped the teams of the association of the young Vereins United Disc Golf, as the first Anfang März in Teltow became gründet hatte.

If the city is an old city after its own course, it is worth it if Mitgründer Christopher Jähn in his schönsten Träumen no longer comes out of the closet. The new course is a “segment” for the Verein.

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If you train and spend the rest of the time in the Disc Golf Park in Lichterfelde, all the sights in the Spaziergängern, Radfahrern and Hunden are enjoyed. That is the training that follows the motto “don’t drive at risk!” The course in Teltow has been specially designed for play, which others would not find out.

The young Teltower Verein will expand the Sport in Berlin and Brandenburg. “If you want to see what a great association and team events for firms and wandertage for debts are,” says Jähn. During the work, the task of the association is to take a course and develop a training program for education, debts and vereinsmitglieder to set.

For jeden Wurf-gibt is the suitable Scheibe

The end of the corona pandemic may cause a wave of disc golf among the war management. This backpack is equipped with the best way to separate, which in the first photo gives all the identical results, which are no longer separated over time.

If you want to make a transfer to the Scheiben, it is possible that the Flugbahnen are not used. Mancheer nach a single meter a right, before you make the landing after the couplings, other completely completed flights.

It is a more technical sport, if you don’t have kraft, then there is talk of weight reducers and smart development.

Christopher JanDisc golfer

The Herausforderung, the appropriate Scheibe for the anstehenden Wurf auszuwählen, is another other than that, was perhaps Spieler and dem Sport geistert. Your next shop will be Korb or Windstarke if you have another Scheibe set up. “It is a more technical sport, if it is not about superpower, but about weight reduction and the geschicklichkeit gehst,” explains Jähn, with the separation of the metal from the metal baskets to be carried out.


different to divide played a game with a game that has been played.

Jähn owns a middle field of 20 different discs, for a beginner but the three discs in his basic properties. With the putter for the last wave in the basket, the Midrange Driver for a medium-length wave and a distance driver, the aerodynamic experience and the strong power. The best disc golfer yards are 180 meters wide.

Disc golf is a free sport, which stretches in a playful way. The course “pflegt sich ideal in die Natur ein”, says Jähn. Zum Ausüben of Sports is one of the few things that occur in nature. As a result of the fact that people and sträuchers are considered as herausforderrended obstacles, the herumgewerfen will be solved. But also if Scheiben gibt die quickly in the 90-degree-Winkel-flight.

The enthusiasm about the history was born from watching the Teltower in the sky. There are a few things you can try when charging the kitchen, other possesses will use their own Dreierpack and Bunten Discs. “We have played a few Mal in Potsdam”, says Entry-level Sandra, who is happy, now has an installation in the city.

“The Standort is top gewählt,” says Banko, who has been in Teltow for 20 years and is not as intensive as those sportswomen perhaps. “It is the perfect leisure sport”, finder. Both are responsible for the successful implementation of the project, which were financed by the Bürgerhaushalt, seehr.