
Hamburger Start-Up elevates Laura Philipp with WM-Titel| MOPO

Hamburger Start-Up elevates Laura Philipp with WM-Titel| MOPO

It is a big moment for Karriere. And the feeling is that you are blessed. I am a team on the English Promenade in Nizza Schrie Triathlete Laura Philipp (37) with her emotional struggles, her tears of regret not back: Only shortly afterwards she had become the new World Champion in Ironman – as the first second German at all. A division in Hamburg has a larger scope than last time.

One of Laura Philipp’s sponsors is “Incylence”. The Hamburg start-up launched Sportsocken on the market in 2018 – and it is a fact that everything is believed by triathletes, runners and cyclists.

Hamburger Unternehmen unterstützt deutsche Ironman-Weltmeisterin

Philipp von de Hamburger Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Jarrestadt in Winterhude provides an Extra Creation speziell for the Weltmeisterschaften bekommen.

Because my Incylence ‘Kick Ass’ socks were an extra motivation during the intensive training for the WM in Nizza and at the weltmeisterschaft itself. My credo is: Work Hard (left Socke), Have Fun (straight Socke). That’s great, that’s the motivation for all triathletes and athletes with their socks,” said Laura Philipp after her WM title for MOPO.