
VW Action in light: Tariff run at Volkswagen with Warnung started – “The situation is serious” | 25.09.24

VW Action in light: Tariff run at Volkswagen with Warnung started – “The situation is serious” | 25.09.24

“We must share our thoughts about the situation. This situation is serious,” said VW Sales Officer Arne Meiswinkel, Personal Director of the Volkswagen Core Market, before the Auftakt der Tarifgespräche in Hannover. “Aufgabe ist jetzt, tragfähige Lösungen zu finden.”

The first phase of the war that took place in late October will take place after VW has changed the sparks of the months. “In the first round of trade that we want to undertake, a great picture will emerge that the Ausgangslage yields,” said Meiswinkel. Status only over the Entgeld should also be traded over the social security granted by VW.

The IG Metall lehnt betriebsbedingte Kündigungen and Werksschliessungen strictly at and through the sale of more Lohn for the 120,000 VW-Beschäftigten and sechs West-Deutschen Standorten, who have fallen under the Haustar.

IG Metall at VW Tarifrunde: ‘Wir warten heute Antworten’

The IG Metall hat von VW zum Start der Tarifverhandlungen concrete Aussagen zu den planten Jobkürzungen ordered. “Wirwarten heute Antworten,” said Niedersachsens IG-Metall-Bezirksleiter and Verhandlungsführer Thorsten Gröger for the Auftakt der Tarifgespräche in Hannover. “Tangle Schluss with the negative feelings.” Denn: “With fear, power man keine Zukunft – with fear zerstört man Zukunft!”

VW-Betriebsratschefin Daniela Cavallo bekräftigte: “Die Gleichrangigkeit von Beschäftigungssicherung und Wirtschaftlichkeit ist unverhandelbar”, says this. “Of course, it has caused a severe problem due to the economics. After the man no longer disappears, the man becomes work schliessungen when the dryer dries up.”

Gröger can offer massive Widerstand. “First we place an object of use with the other, which has washed itself.” From 1 December, warning stripes are also possible. “It is not the case that we have to set up a Volkswagen parking space for the work tower and the streets.”

Vokswagen’s Vorzugsactie will be sold via XETRA to Wochenmitte for 0.40 euros per 93.88 euros.


HANNOVER (awp international)