
DB InfraGo invests in maintenance

DB InfraGo invests in maintenance

This event at the InnoTrans Trade Fair in Berlin cannot be visited. There will be some important Weichenschleifmaschinen-overnomen since November 2024 at the Kirchmöser workshop and the personal of the sterreichische special company in the Besitz of DB InfraGO-overgehen. In 2029, 15 hybrid hybrids have been installed for the higher level of the German plate and thermals that have been made and the active file file format that have yielded the votes.

Great technology for the big program

Philipp Nagl, Supervisory Director of DB InfraGO, said: “A large program requires large technology. A huge construction program and a program in the installation can be carried out. 16.4 billion euros would have ended up in the infrastructure throughout the year. Damit stabilizes and works with the network at high speed. Now we are strengthening our own machine park in maintenance with the entspeakenden large machines and can make much more ourselves. A good and notorious investment with the clear insight, the railway exploration and the Züge punctually to make and an unreliable strategy that we are following again. “

Improvement of the infrastructure

In one year, the Deutsche Bahn completed approximately 3,300 ten and one-half kilometres of track with track machines from most external operators. With the purchase of large-scale equipment, DB InfraGO will be able to operate these works by itself by 30 percent by 2025. If you want to operate DB InfraGO in a few years’ time of construction and maintenance volumes. Nagl: “The aim of this research is to break new ground for the infrastructure of the infrastructure.”

Fachmesse for Verkehrstechnik InnoTrans

The international Fachmesse für Verkehrstechnik InnoTrans will take place from September 24 – 27 in Berlin. This is the first hybrid construction vehicle in Germany, the Maschinenpark der DB Bahnbau Group and the DB InfraGO are now available, with all the Streckenclassn of Schienennetzes eingesetzt and also a heavy load for the Transport of Schienen, Schwellen, Weichen and Baumaterialien as well uber a leistungsfähigen Arbeitskran versügt. The diesel-electric battery with battery works in the tunnel in Tunnelumgebungen.

In 2025, the DB will develop the new Langstrecken-Drohnen “DB UAS” (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) and its Strecken. In Zukunft sollen rund 100 dieser Drohnen bei miscellaneous Arbeiten aus der Luft helfen, wie bij Vermessungen, Vegetationskontstromen or der overwachung der Infrastruktur. The DB can be the best for the Einsatz am Gleis-entwickelten Drohnen first of the first impression.