
Eurokurs can make a profit below 1.12 US-Dollar Von dpa-AFX

Eurokurs can make a profit below 1.12 US-Dollar Von dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The euro rate has fluctuated in the week after its German profit gains. The trade in the trade can cost no more than 1.12 US dollars and be worth 1.1199 dollars. The end of August is the time, before the swing is back. The euro note was lower than 1.1184 dollars. The European Central Bank has set the reference rate on service at 1.1133 dollars.

Generell profits from the euro of the court on one of the foreign note banks, which can acquire credits in China and the US. A company of the economic activities in the two large volkswirtschaften of the world works on the trade in the eurozone and thus the nachfrage nach euro erhöhen.

The Chinese nut bank has a strong opinion about the financing of monetary policy with a German sentence. While the American Notes Bank adopted the Leitzinsen erneut deutlich a 0.5 Prozentpunkte at the next meeting in November, the service Konjunkturdaten enttäuscht haten. The Stimmung der Verbraucher hat ich im September unerwartet deutlich verschlechtert.

The Eurolege include the Swedish Krona. If there is a current on the Kursbewegung, then the Notenbank Schwedens in the Leitzins has ended up at 3.25 percent. In the Stellungnahme zur Zinssenkung Krachten de Währungshüter deutlich, the Notenbank will fortsetzen their monetary policy Lockerung. It is one of the two joyful sentence exercises in those years to a strong sentence statement with a value of 0.50, the experts were overloaded.