
Dreifacher Olympiasieger plaudits in Mittweida über seinen Job als DSV-Trainer und das Studium

Dreifacher Olympiasieger plaudits in Mittweida über seinen Job als DSV-Trainer und das Studium

Eric Frenzel stands at his service at a talk round reason and answer. The help with the German combination can follow a study at the Mittweidaer Hochschule-zuvor.

Ersten autograms that put Eric Frenzel to work during the talk run in the Mittweidaer Fichteschule experience. The 35-year-old former Nordic Kombinierer and jetzy Cheftrainer started with a few laurel wreaths and besuchers. In Mittweida there is a pride for the new Jobs – Frenzel ist since the Winter of the leading…

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