
Kranzniederlegung am Patenschaftsgrab des Marineartilleriedepots

Kranzniederlegung am Patenschaftsgrab des Marineartilleriedepots

The SPD local association Wilhelmshaven-South lays a Kranz on the other Wilhelmshavener Deichfriedhof nieder. Let the explosion take place in the Kaiserliche naval artillery depot.

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Wilhelmshaven – On Saturday, September 21, where the SPD local association Wilhelmshaven-South has laid down a wreath at the Patenschaftsgrab behind the Pumpwerk-Park on the other Wilhelmshavener Deichfriedhof at the Banter Deich. The local association has been preparing for this Grab for years and regularly puts up memorial installations. A few years later you still think about the explosion in the Imperial Navy artillery depot in the foreground. During the war, Councillor Marvin Hager, chairman of the local association South, stated: “If Grabpaten is a responsibility, the thinking and the possibility that things will happen is tragic. Solche Gedenkveranstaltungen is one of the most important files stored in the Ortsverein. Dennis Shwec, retired Kreisvorsitzender, said: “Every year will die inwardly with the people who came to live after the Explosion. There is no question of an activity of thoughts, but of a sign-connection with the history of our city.” The retired President of the Ortsverein, Birgit Voß-Boner, would be wehmütig, if the Tragik der Ereignisse thinks “The misfortune happened when Shrapnel was loaded and how the man with the death-screams. It is a fact that the history of the naval city is broken.”