
Skechers Action: Long-term Future Outlook (BofA Securities)

Skechers Action: Long-term Future Outlook (BofA Securities)

Charlotte ( – Skechers-Aktienanalyse der Bank of America (BofA):

Background: BofA hat das Kursziel für Skechers (ISIN: US8305661055, WKN: 922814, Ticker-Symbol: SKAA, NYSE-Symbol: SKX) by 87 USD on 81 USD if it is good, it is possible to do one thing “buy” rating. This analysis of the ideas about the economic economy of China in China presents Skechers with a forward development in the market accountability. Despite these forecasts, BofA sees the performance forecast for the quarterly quarter and the business year 2024 as further possible. The latter are carried out by the Multiplier for the Estimates of Profit per Action (EPS) for the year 2025, which was carried out a previous time.

Main points of the analysis:

Price increase of 81 USD:

– BofA hat from Kursziel für Skechers von 87 USD on 81 USD senkt. This Abwärtsanpassung is based on one of the most recent developments in the field of the economy in China, a major market for Skechers. When deuteronomy has begun, the BofA short-term review is underway, which is on the Wachstumspotenzial and has the Bewertung of the Unternehmens-automatic operation.

– Trotz der Kurszielsenkung bleibt BofA both “buy” ratingIt was very interesting, because the outdoors were long-lasting, because of the attractive Wachstumschansen, especially in China.

Makrookonomic Herausforderungen in China:

– Skechers hat at a short conference its last assessment for the Chinese market in comparison to the previous quarter presented. This short description of the active macroeconomic changes in China can bring a wide range of consumption concerns, economic uncertainty and geopolitical risks.

– China is a small market for Skechers and a big performance in this region could strain the global economy and profit margins. While it was not an unanswered question for the reachability of Quarters and Years, the problem in China was solved by helping others in the region or in the Gesamtkonzern that might have problems.

Accuracy of the Q3 and YY 2024 Forecasts:

– Despite the forecasts in China, the BofA is the view, the performance forecast for the quarterly quarter and the business year 2024 is still available. While Skechers in the low part of the world, the market of the market, will be inherited, while the Wachstum in China on the other hand turns out to be an unlikely prediction.

– This einschätzung deutet darauf hin, dass Skechers in other regions or segments that deliver a grim performance, was the schwierigkeiten in China as least teilweise ausgleicht.

Increase EPS multipliers for HY 2025:

– BofA with the Multiplikator, when the EPS estimates for the year 2025 were expected, was a forward-looking preview of the longer lifespan of Skechers in the back. This chance is high that this BofA with a desire percentage or a lower profit potential for Skechers can work right over the years.

– In previous years, a number of international markets in China could risk a potential margin through fixed costs or damage caused by the US market.


– Price jump on 81 USD: BofA hat das Kursziel für Skechers von 87 USD on 81 USD if it is good, it is possible to do one thing “buy” ratingwas a tall, attractive waiter’s hindeutet, proudly unsightly.

– Previous Einschätzung für China: Skechers have their own insights for the Chinese Market, built from the macroeconomic environment after a correction, was like Hauptgrund für the gilded Kurszielsenkung. China has seen a lighter market after the reforms have given the Wachstum-kurzfristig a schränken.

– Performance of the Q3 and GJ 2024 Forecasts: The uncertainty of the BofA is that the forecasts for the current quarter and the future of 2024 are also important, because Skechers are in other markets or segments according to their position.

– Senkung des Multiplikators für Jahr 2025: Der sichtigere Ansatz in Bezug auf de Multiplikators für das Jahr 2025 reflects a zurückhaltende long-lasting View more broadly, which is based on Unsicherheiten in China and other international market.


BofA is very concerned about the long-lasting potential of Skechers, especially for the current Quartal and the Geschäftsjahr 2024, but with a clearer view of the future in China, a more detailed view of the long-lasting future potential of human beings. The Kurszielsenkung at 81 USD reflects these Unsicherheiten more broadly, worth dying “buy” rating Ultimately, Skechers is interested in attractive investments for a longer period of time. If the developments in China are taken over, Skechers’ investment potential will be added. (Analysis of 23.09.2024)

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