
New lid type that has a greater influence on wound healing

New lid type that has a greater influence on wound healing

After processing, a series of cells and the wound healing is improved. If there is a new deck, a certain type, the number of unqualified, special cells – an immunity, which is for the web repair so, whoever is one of the seven, the blood-fed images are. There is no new type of type that causes a normal infection on the wound healing and can be a real Help for the patient, who leads a chronic wound.

New lid type that has a greater influence on wound healing

New Six Types of Beneficial Behavior

Some ancestors or vorläuferzellen come from the multipotent adulterous Stammzellen. If you want to use the Stammzellen in different Zelltypes, because they are not as flexible as Stammzellen, it was worth being able to use Zelltypes. Progenitorzellen can now distinguish the Zellen, which belong to their own web or organ. Some of these ancestors have had a “Soulzelle”, others are bipotent, but can also portray Zelltypes.

The most common source of ancestors is that they can be one of the best types in the kitchen. If it is good, it is a wasp nest roll on the Heilungsprozess nach Verletzungen-spielen. It may be that there is a physiological “wartung” of the tissue, which is located in other cells.

A research team from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) has now developed a new art of bipotent ancestry that is bold enough to revolutionise healthcare.

These progenitor cells have an important job: they help grow blood vessels when the body needs them. They are activated by an injury or poor blood flow, and they quickly expand to help heal.“, so Sanuri Lyange, die in one of the Study Wars.

Try a Haut und Muskeln

The new identification of the progenitors can occur in the aortic shaft by growths, which causes differences in the endothelial cells and the macrophages. The Forscher: You can view the data on the “EndoMac” progenitor cells. Endothelial illumination provides a single-layered cell shaft, the inner wall of blood vessels covers and an artificial barrier that drives the Austausch von substances on the blood railway and offers a large number of regular rules. Signal from the endothelial cells stops the images and the connection to the cells of the connective tissues. Macrophages again are white blood cells, which hunt for foreign microorganisms, stimulate the cells and the reactions other immune cells.

If you isolate the disease and are cured in the colony, the Forscher has tested a diabetic patient, while the diabetes recognition is not or no longer healthy.

When we transplanted these precursors into diabetic wounds, we saw a dramatic improvement in healing within days. In theory, this could be a game-changer for patients suffering from chronic wounds.“, said Liyange.

No results were found that indicate the high quality of EndoMac-Zellen, Haut and Muskelgewebe zu heilen. „We are excited to further explore the potential of these cells. It is still early days, but the implications could be enormous. This represents a significant advance in our understanding of blood vessel regeneration and holds the potential for creating more effective treatments that support the body’s ability to heal and maintain function over time.“, Liyange continued.


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