
Family lasts 60 years in the newspaper

Family lasts 60 years in the newspaper

One of the things that happened in Rosna zu Ende: For 60 years, the Kugler family published the “Schwäbische Zeitung” during the mixed period. Now Monika Engler has left this Tätigkeit and August changes the terms – after sage and writing 37 years as a sister. Sports and leisure brought the times during the winter in wind and weather in the open air.

1964 fing everything a

Schn 60 years ago how the family von Gustav and Theresia Kugler looked like, in the small Ort Rosna as Sister-teller of the „Schwäbische Zeitung“, that will be. They both have 12 children and a number of potential candidates for that Job.

Started in 1964 with Josef Kugler, when he started another year later, the Schwäbische Zeitung was published. If the costs of the month are no longer calculated, the month must be repaid for the costs of the time. This was often a matter of two years ago.

Wehrdienst has terminated the job

Josef hat diesen Job bis zu Beginn seiner Lehre im September 1967 ausgeführt. Danach is a young man from Bruder Alois Kugler. Dieser die Zeitung in Rosna sieben Jahre lang aus. On July 1, 1974, the Wehrdienst was withdrawn after Regensburg.

The Zustellung der Zeitung „erbte“ daraufhin Klaus Kugler, the young son of the family. Klaus hated this Tätigkeit within 13 years, before he saw the old Schwester Monika, inzwischen verheirate Engler, the tradition as Zeitung Zusteller der Kuglers for Rosna weiter führte.

They lived for 37 years as a sister on their own

Monika’s war was of great importance for the ‘Schwäbische Zeitung’, which lasted Job long, after 37 years taken up. If someone has been together for years, he has the Geschwister Kugler from Rosna insgesamt 60 Jahre am Stück de Zeitung in Rosna verteilt.

There were yet another brother of the Kuglers, named Stefan Kugler, who lived in Rulfingen since 1993, and was also present for more than 30 years in Rulfingen as a Sister of the Schwäbische Zeitung tätig ist.

And that is never all, when Alois Kugler, the lord of the lord of Munderkingen, is now also the author of the “Schwäbische Zeitung” for 15 years.

It is a good thing that the generation general of the family makes a good choice for the fresh air and the fresh air.