
These 3 “Supernatural”-followings are something for real fans to enjoy!

These 3 “Supernatural”-followings are something for real fans to enjoy!

327 A long episode of Winchester-Brüder Dämonen and other Ungeheuer: “Supernatural” is one of the most mysterious mystery series of all time. How is it possible that all episodes of Joyn are streaming: Is the best you can follow? Achtung, der next text enthält Spoiler!

Binge all 327 episodes of Joyn

The success of “Supernatural”

The series moves on to culture: this is death I have been working on the Running Fantasy Series for a long time with genuine Schauspieler:innen. Zum Vergleich: “Game of Thrones” has eight Staffeln, the Nachfolger “House of Dragons” has two. At “Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen” was Staffeln.

327 Follow the Macher: inside of “Supernatural” gedeht. If you want to know more about what you are doing, you have to take a new path. Unusual is the episode “Monsterfilm” (Staffel 4, Folge 5), because si completely black and white ist. The Folge “Baby” (Staffel 11, Folge 4) says the description of the perspective of a car.

Platz 3: “Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden”

📺 “Who in Heaven, so on Earth” is the eighth follower of the “Supernatural” series. Darin became brother Dean and Sam in one brand new television world transports. This episode acts as a parody of various hospital and crime series.

🕵 The brothers must actually explain a death. Due to involuntary broadcasts in the TV-Reich can only be used if their production is adapted. There is an erotic hospital series, a skurrile Gameshow, a Sitcom and a police series – and some peinliche Adverts. Sam was in a car and started to enjoy KITT, the vehicle in “Knight Rider”.

👼 There is no question of any transgression. The Trickster, the Winchesters in this world-class hat, is considered a different person.

😆The Handlung of “Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden” ist really bizarrebut at the same time very merry.

🗳 The IMDb Nutzer:innen gefällt die Folge: Sie bekommt 9.6 out of 10 stars. 11,000 Zuschauer:innen haben abgestimmt.

Platz 2: “Over our nur der Himmel”

🎬It’s actually fun to see Staffeln Schluss with “Supernatural”. Series Seeker Eric Kripke had the story so angelegt. The series continues on the way of the next shows. The story began a year later with the development of Sams vermeintlichen Tod ein. The Geschwister finds who is together, a forest that you invest.

🔄 In der 15. Follow the next Staffel passiont en was his Kurioses: Die Winchesters countries in a parallel universe and a verdrehten Welt. “Über uns nur der Himmel” starts the episode, on the English “The French Mistake”.

🎞 In the other Dimension we have Sam and Dean, who are driving Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. Aber nicht nur das: Sie sind auch noch Schauspieler und play in the series “Supernatural” provided My Roles is the son of Sam and Dean. Blöd nur, that’s because Brüder has very little Schauspieltalent.

🤣 The series heroes are happy, in their world, they are happy, but that is not so easy, they are very happy with their TV. This episode flowed for self-sufficiencystates the Erwartungen auf the Kopf and ist noch dazu zemlich witzig.

🗳 11,000 Zuschauer:innen have abgegeben on IMDb a Bewertung for the Australian 2011 Follow “Über uns nur der Himmel”. Annoyance: 9.6 out of 10 stars.

Place 1: This is the best “Supernatural” sequel

🎬 The “Supernatural” in its own right after the fun Staffeln is an absolute highlight for many fans.

🦢 The 22nd and let the following “Schwanenlied” appear, in the original “Swan Song”. It is emotional and dramatic, we will tell the story of the bride and the Struggle between Good and Evil until the end you have to ask.

👹 The staff service makes the staff start 42 minutes late. Darin hat the apocalypse beganErzengel Michael and Luzifer are together. Die Brüder wollen de Teufel bannen in de Höllenkäfig, um ihn zur Strecke zu brought. Dazu hat Sam (Jared Padalecki) has a risky plan and it works.

🏠 His brother Dean (Jensen Ackles) encourages broader zu – but then anything goes. I love that Sam was too. After the very last part of the episode was said, the house was lit up, with Dean behind it. With this Cliffhanger sollte “Supernatural” released signal. Ohne Series-Erfinder Kripke lief die Show aber noch 10 weitere Staffeln.

🗳 “Schwanenlied” was published in 2010. IMDb has 12,000 posts: in that episode. Annoyance: 9.7 out of 10 points. Gilded is the best version of “Supernatural”.

“Supernatural”: You Should Have Deleted the Series

  • The first film of “Supernatural” took place in September 2005 in Fernsehen and died in November 2020. The power is perfect for the series in Bingen. Die 327 Folgen in 15 Staffeln lasted longer than 228 hours. Würdest du urd om die Uhr schauen, würde das 9.5 days to wait.
  • The series originated from the description of brothers Dean and Sam Winchester, who mumble at a Dämonen-Angriff star. The father turns Rache and portrays his sons to Years of the Overnature out.
  • Dämonen sent the Erzfeinde von Dean and Sam in “Supernatural”. They betray themselves in the Rule by their eye color. The Schreckensgestalt, de Mutter ermordete, hatte zum Beispiel gelbe Augen.
  • Damons can now go on the hike, if they like People nearby withdraw. You can also buy a special Waffe, a pistol from Samuel Colt.
  • The Monster in the Series often lives a Wesen from Mythen and Religions who Christianity or Hinduism a. A role plays among others the Erzengel Michael or the Teufel from the Bible, the Gott Loki from Norse mythology and the Greek Götter with Artemis.
  • To the Angels Another main character in the series has at his disposal: God has enabled Castiel (Misha Collins), a Dean in the Fourth Staff from the Hölle to be free.

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