
Natascha Ochsenknecht has gone through the ankle – a bag is taboo

Natascha Ochsenknecht has gone through the ankle – a bag is taboo

As Bayern, the Munich Oktoberfest for Cheyenne Ochsenknecht is a natural festival programme. In particular the legend “Almauftrieb” in the “Käfer-Wiesn-Schänke”. has found the 24th birthday of Mann Nino (28) in Essen. It’s so clear: they’re both together on a great holiday.

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht & Nino Sifkovits auf der Wiesn

Self-consciously, Cheyenne stated clearly: “I’ll pack a lot of money for you, thank you very much.” It is a wise and clear fünf Liter Bier – aber sie relatviert das ganze schnell wieder: Schließlich würde man nicht jeden Krug komplett austrinken. How can I best deal with your husband? Nino laughs spitzbübisch and meint: “I am very happy and uneasy.”

Das Interview gibt’s im Video oben.

Welche Regel Natascha Ochsenknecht nicht brechen darf

Since August 2022, Cheyenne and Nino have moved away. Together with their children Mavie (3) and Matteo (1) live in their own home, in the Steiermark, as a country. Cheyenne’s Mama Natascha (60) ends up with the small family that has a bit of life – well, um bad as a babysitter in the spring. So who’s going to Oktoberfest this fall?

It is a matter of thinking about what both think about – but a Sache is tabu with Grandma Natascha. Cheyenne zu “My Mama weiß, dass, wenn sie unsere Regeln bricht, es Ärger gibt.” Und Regel Nummer eins lautet: “iPad gibt’s nur am Sonntag.”