
Is Ukrainian President Zelensky Degrading Ukraine with the “Sieg Strategy”?

Is Ukrainian President Zelensky Degrading Ukraine with the “Sieg Strategy”?

Is Ukrainian President Zelensky Degrading Ukraine with the “Sieg Strategy”?

When his journey in the US by Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj a “Triumph Strategy” with his. Bisher now gives information about the fact that it is the herausforderungen for the Russian war history. How is the mentality, and who brought Moscow, a verhandlungstische zu kommen?

It is a fun years as president that Selensky, a small-time schauspieler and a fernsehmogul, has never walked into a political agreement. Aktuell is one of the UN generals who are fighting the triumphal strategy of US President Joe Biden, which the candidates of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris propose. This strategy is a weight of the diplomatic Norms ab.

This strategy would not be mixed with Selensky’s Friedensformel, the part of the discussions for the Swiss Friedensgipfel in the summer war. This blaupause is one of the most strategic problems that arise in the Zukunft of Ukraine after the conflict concentration. It has never been thought of, a trading base with Russia will buy.

I think the triumphal strategy with its nice punks is unclear. Dennoch has become clear in his central role: Ukraine can now lead the US and other western partners of Russia by extreme military, economic and political forces, so that one of the most important issues can be solved.

Discover the “Triumph Strategy”

The “Triumph Strategy” of the beginning is entirely in Ukraine. An end to the triumph is a celebration, when Russia, along and with high rejoicings, in the Russian region of Kursk and the Ukrainian region of Donetsk vorrück. Official Kiev nevertheless maintains on the restoration of the nation within its 1991 international anerkannten borders. It seems that this summer is a trend, while the Selensky the note of the military restoration of the military borders from 1991 has not survived, but the Ukrainian beam is often in that vulnerability more widely spread.

Apparently Ukraine is not reaching its limits in terms of resources for its possible future, and its territorial integrity is completely restored. If the head of government is, the costs for Russia are as high as the treiben, while Kremlführer Vladimir Putin held back Anglican Ukraine, an unrealistic condition for a fire break that would take place, however it would be.

What about Begriff’s “Triumph Strategy”? The popularity of the relations can appeal to Selensky’s Talent for his own company and an extensive PR presentation that will be carried out. If we look at the US government, the Biden administration will compete with the Ukrainian triumph strategy for skiing.

Criticism in Ukraine

It is an insecurity, because Selenskyj and his team choose unrealistic assumptions among his population groups, indem his choice of words. Fundamentally, after a few years of war, illusions have come to the Ukrainian society, that it will die in the near future end of the world, independent of Selenskyj’s statements. It is not clear that Russia could use a bald spot in the fight against Ukraine. At the moment, it seems to be advantageous in the long-term war of attrition against Ukraine.

Even prominent figures close to the presidency, such as political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko, who occasionally advises the government, criticize the term “Triumph Strategy.” “It’s just an attractive layout for the negotiating guidelines of the Ukrainian delegation in the US,” summarizes publicist Vitaliy Portnikov, who has consistently criticized Zelensky’s presidency.

However, there are no significant concerns about the content of the triumphal strategy in Ukraine. First, Kiev wants to emphasize and confirm the urgency of weapons, ammunition and financial aid for the near future in order to continue to resist Russia. Furthermore, it is clear that Kiev will demand permission to strike Russian targets with more advanced Western weapons in order to increase the costs for Moscow even further.

Whether NATO membership in the post-war period, a part of the “Triumph Strategy”, is feasible at present is questionable. It is also very uncertain whether Ukraine will be given the authority to attack Russia with weapons such as Storm Shadow/SCALP or ATACMS. Nevertheless, it is clear that Ukraine desperately needs this permission, even if Russia has already moved most of its aircraft to the rear. It also seems clear that NATO membership for Ukraine will be the only guarantee of security for Kiev after the war.

Ukraine, therefore, has little choice but to continue pushing for maximum results. “If Zelensky had not pushed the cautious Biden as hard as he always did, Ukraine might not have secured even half of what it has already received from the US,” political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko recently said on Ukrainian television.

It is unlikely that Zelensky will achieve his maximum goals during his current visit to the US. However, decisions can be made gradually. Consequently, the success of the trip can only be critically assessed later.

In light of the ongoing military operations between Ukraine and Russia, President Volodymyr Selenskyi wants to present his “Triumph Strategy” to President Joe Biden, believing that intensified military pressure on Russia could force Moscow to the negotiating table. Despite criticism in Ukraine over the unrealistic expectations raised by the term “Triumph Strategy,” Selenskyi argues that increasing the costs of the conflict for Russia will eventually lead to a ceasefire without unreasonable conditions.

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