
World Free Zones Organization presents a new corporate identity

World Free Zones Organization presents a new corporate identity

DUBAI, United Arab Emirate –

Since its 10th anniversary, the World Free Zones Organization (World FZO) has started with a new corporate identity. The start followed at the 10th World Congress of the World Free Zones Organization (World FZO) in Dubai under the motto “Zones and the changing global economic structures – unlocking new investment opportunities” (“Freedom in the Walk of Global Economic Structures – Opening up New Investment Opportunities”).

This press conference resulted in a multimedia inhalation. The complete Mitteilung can be found here:

Dr. Mohammad Al Zarooni Chairman of World FZO (Photo: AETOSWire)

Dr. Mohammad Al Zarooni Chairman of World FZO (Photo: AETOSWire)

Zeitgleich with the new corporate identity presented by the World FZO with its new vision, its new vision and its new soul. The starting point of the new vision is the development of the global economic progress, the nachaltigkeit and the integrated waiting lists by the strengthened Freizonen, who set the masses for the economic development. In the framework of its new actions, the World FZO Freizonen will support one of the globe through knowledge acquisition, networking, interest distribution and consulting achievements, a positive impact and commitment to the economic and social development of the various countries to maximize.

The World FZO is interested in its Grundwerten and will make its efforts by exercising the new practice, one with the higher tempo of the global trades that cease. This focused orientation is based on the organization, which promotes all general interests of the organization and reforms its disinterested and innovative methods.

With a new identification of the World FZO that strengthens its power, a targeted and transparent initiative to start, is the role as a catalyst for positive developments in the global market.

The organization’s new corporate identity is developed in its strategic strategy: Influence, Influence and To trust. If you focus on the Wirkung (‘Impact’), the Trust and the Effectiveness are supported and therefore delayed, the Freizonen can stand as one of the points of socio-economic development and innovation. While Einfluss (‘Influence’) fights the organization and the global trade and investment investments, it compensates their political impact, the Trust and Opportunities for companies and people promotes. If the organization plays a role as an alliance through the establishment of vertrauen (‘trust’), there is a complex and globally evolving process as an effective interest for companies.

The organization’s main concern for a new venture is the development of new investment horizons and the start of the sale of business activities in the Netto-Zero Initiative area.

The World FZO is increasingly expanding on the establishment of trade interests and partnerships in the economic zones of the Mitgliedsländer concentrates and parallel activities in the field of economic sectors. These sectors are becoming the herausforderungen of the time of smart intelligence, digital trade, the four industrial revolutions and high-tech dishes.

*Source: AETOSWire

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Source: Business Wire