
Gernot Murko has appealed to: Attorneys obtain new presidents

Gernot Murko has appealed to: Attorneys obtain new presidents

It is the person’s name that shifts the name. Rechtsanwaltskammerpräsident Gernot Murko can be a man of his category zählen. Since 18 years, the complaint was filed by the Jurist dem Selbstverwaltungsorgan for, who was responsible for three years of Vizepräsident, als Hans Gradischnig noch das (Ehren-)Amt innehatte. Nun Stellt is no longer part of the Wahl. “Die dreifache Belastung in der Kammer, als Professor at the Universität Graz and in my eigentlichen Beruf in der Kanzlei behindlassen in the Spuren”, said about 58-Jährige. Wahrscheinlicher Nachfolger is the bishige Vize President Bernhard Fink – is the only Kandidat, the Wahl during the plenary meeting on October 8.