
Bavaria: Volkstheater starts with “The Lobster” in the new playing time

Bavaria: Volkstheater starts with “The Lobster” in the new playing time

Volkstheater starts with “The Lobster” in the new playing time

Die Theaterferien finds everything in Ende – auch am Münchner Volkstheater. Start with an Oscar-prämierten Drehbuch in the new season.

Munich (dpa/lby) – The Munich Volkstheater reports back to Zurück during the summer break. With the German production of the theatre version of the films “The Lobster”, the film by Intendant Christian Stückl started the new season.

Director Lucia Bihler, who shot “Die Zofen” at the Volkstheater, brings film history to the stage with Oscar premiere Drehbuch. The film by book writer Efthimis Filippou and director Yorgos Lanthimos, from 2015 with Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz in the Kinos-kam, played in a dystopian world.

Singles found a partner or partner 45 days ago. Schaffen is on the first night, when there is talk of loss, she became at a level of a Wahl course and in the wild word. “Zwischen vernkten Körpern und erlernten Konstrukten tasten de Figuren blind nach Alternative Konzepten und der (Un)Möglichkeit von Liebe und Intimität”, quickly from Theater de Geschichte nicht.

It is a matter of “limited systems of cooperation”, the Volkstheater in the premiere animation. “With a high and exaggerated specification of the representation, a gestochen scharfes Bild gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens. Deplatziert en ferngesteuert stolpern die Figuren durch diese Welt, jeder Versuch des Selbstausdrucks separatet and währenddessen rennt die Zeit.”

Insgesamt 13 Premieren stehen in der Spielzeit 2024/25 auf dem Programm, wie das Volkstheater miteilte. Darunter is the Uraufführung of the active novels by Daniel Kehlmann, “Lichtspiel”, directed by Theaterchef Stückl. Years later I will see a documentary about Theaterstück about the Anschlag in the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum in Munich in July 2016 in the premiere of the Volkstheater. Title: “Offene Wunde”.