
Spitzenjob and Rostocker Uni against Klassenzimmer in Wismar

Spitzenjob and Rostocker Uni against Klassenzimmer in Wismar

Wismar. „Mitunter habe ich von Wismar nach Rostock zur Beit eeninhalb Stunden gebraucht“, wrote Ludmila Lutz-Auras (43). In the summer period of gratitude, it is a matter of orientation – a much longer time for your Zwillingstöchter to have. “I had my own liste gemacht, was my beruflich Freude Kracht.” The war is over: live and continue to learn.

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Since the time of the Uni Rostock learned and developed, it is the Studium (Politikwissenschaft, Slawistik as well as New History of Europe) and the Promotion bis zur Prorektorin aufgestiegen. The young woman with the smelling rotten black hair who can take care of their engagement is more engagement.

Quereinsteigerin an der Großen Stadtschule in Wismar

Nun is not focused on questions in the large city school “Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium” in Wismar – with a better experience, but deutlich more Lebenszeit thanks to kürzerer Wege.

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On the Frage, whoever asked for a man to spend the summer in the Lehrerberuf wechseln, Ludmila Lutz-Auras replied laughingly: “Man enjoys the Stellenausschreibungen über das Portal, man spricht mit den Freundinnen and friends, who are in the process of arranging a debt, and spricht all long with the Mama darüber. Sie ist auch Lehrerin.”

Fast 15 years and Uni-richtet

The divorce for the professional orientation was fallen, from the big city school came the Zusage. Ludmila Lutz-Auras is a non Social Studies, History and Economy in Vollzeit. “I was very lucky, then the war that came and the time of Demut fell. It is still a different, 20 or 30 years later, when you have a young higher level at a gymnasium.”

If someone seeks a divorce for planetary debt, it is not as if we are taking care of a man’s own job.

Ludmila Lutz-Auras

Lehrerin and ehemalige Prorektorin

Quickly look at 15 years of college. She laughs at the Vergleich: “My students are willing to participate in education.” They were happy, but they would also learn and learn.

Ludmila Lutz-Auras thanks the new Wismarer Kollegium: “The first weeks were great!” They can make a hole of the Fachkollegen Tips and Tricks for the own, they can teach us and do their work. And who is children and young adults? “Very nice. This image was manche on the head with the youth of the heute, can’t be that bad. Everything is super fun and interesting. “

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Lehrerin can focus on interest in political interests

However, if you notice that you are increasingly concerned with the interest of politics in politics. “But honestly, who from us has liked to get news with zwölf Jahren? These themes of youth and the debt burden are a re-examination that is interesting to me.”

The administration of the Lehrerberuf is carried out. “I can only recommend that, the preliminary work in MV is good! If the Beruf no longer sees a Notnagel. If someone is separated for the planetary debts as a quest, it is not that a man takes up his own job or helps other people. ” Sometimes, we will be a man with young people, and an undirected task. “With my knowledge of the University can reach his natural nature at the Studium. “

If you want to buy a house and make a car, you can also improve your work-life balance. “But now I have naturally quite a lot to do with the content preparations for you.” The herbal holiday homes of the Mann with the Zwillingstöchtern only have to burn. There is a teacher who has never had a free vacation.