
This vitamin is important for women

This vitamin is important for women

Women use the vitamin and nutrient content of men, which is not separated from the Tagesbederf products. Leader vernachlässigen Studien immer wieder de geschlechterspezifische Wirkung von Mikronährstoffen, obwohl de Ergebnisse zeizen, dat es teilweise deutliche Unterschiede gibt. Do you ever need vitamin and mineral substances?

These vitamins and minerals are supported by women

  • To demand let the extinguishing water disappear from the period. Women therefore lead higher and an Eisenmangel as a man.
  • Vitamin D is the production of estrogen. I am another woman who has a vitamin D deficient husband.
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B If the vitamin B6 is too heavy, vitamin B6 can even take years to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
  • Vitamin B9 (Folsaure): Jeder braucht Vitamin B9, good for the Zellteilung is useful. For women with childish desires and desires Vagrancy ist der Bedarf aber besonders hoch.

Warum Frauen more Eisen brauchen

Eisen is another example of the image that Blutkörperchen benötigt. Hauptaufgabe ist der Transport von Sauerstoff, weshalb am meisten Eisen im Blut enthalten ist. There is a clear regulation that increases the risks for a German Eisenmangel. It can be a passion, but more demands are placed on cooking, if the next step can be taken. If there is a demand in women, it becomes increasingly worse in men. Laut dem Lebensmittelverband Deutschland erreichen 57.8 Prozent der Frauen in Deutschland en nur 14.2 Prozent der Manner nicht die empfohlenen taglichen Zufuhrmengen. De Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) empfiehlt Frauen ab zehn Jahren 15 Milligramm Eisen am Tag zu nehmen. After the Wechseljahren verringerts ich der Bedarf auf 10 Milligramm.

Who the practice internist Helena Orfanos-Boeckel writes in her book “Nährstofftherapie”, should have for all young women a ferritin value in blood of at least 70 ng / ml. Even better is a value of 100 to 150 ng / ml – for everything, if man as woman would lose sports.

Warum Frauen more Vitamin B6, B12 and Zinc brauchen

38 Make sure that women get the anti-baby pills from the Federal Center. Laut Helena Orfanos-Boeckel orders a higher dose of vitamin B6 with the intake of estrogen pills. Read more about zinc and vitamin B12. If the disease is a pill during Prämenstruellen Syndrome (PMS), the symptom can eventually cause an intake of vitamin B6. Who dies German Pharmacist Newspaper message, criticize vitamin B6 during a study of a significant effect on mental and physical symptoms in the case of the placebo group.

Warum Frauen more Vitamin B9 (Folsäure) brauchen

Folat is another way for the Zellteilung and the Blutbildung that are important. Laut dem Lebensmittelverband Deutschland erreichen 95 Prozent der Frauen zwischen 14 und 44 Jahren nicht die empfohlenen Zufuhrwerte and Vitamin B9. Vitamin B9 products are used, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9, vitamin B9. If Folat becomes the natural connections, die in Lebensmitteln forkommen. If you use the synthetic hergestelte Verbindung bezeichnet. It’s a matter of searching the search results. Both were no longer monitored, the Wirkung is aber gleich.

Women with children’s love sollten ihren Folsäurespiegel messenger lassen. The DGE-empfiehlt “zusätzlich zu einer folatreichen Ernährung 400 μg synthetic Folsäure” on the tag einzunehmen. In the Schwangerschaft the spoilage is from 300 Microgramm to 550 Microgramm am Tag. If people want to do it all for the Zellwachstum, it is a great care for the beginning of the pregnancy, which is also a Fehlbildungen for the fruit of the avoided.

Warum Frauen more Vitamin D purchase

Vitamin D is one of the production of weiblichen sexual hormonebedeligt. Trotzdem is the interaction between the estrogen and vitamin D complex and not a complete intellectual understanding. 2020 is a study with a vitamin D drug on polyzygotic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a metabolic disorder in women. It could happen that women get a high vitamin D deficiency due to PCOS. A supplementation can increase the risk of research.

I want to say otherwise that the woman wants to use a vitamin D deficiency as a man. If you get an alternative to a vitamin D drug, skeletal problems become larger and you see a higher dose. If you notice another problem, it is not clear. There is a discussion, about the difference between the higher body fattening groups of women. In research, vitamin D could be specified in the diet. Dadurch verringert sich de Konzentration von Vitamin D in Blut, with a professor in Caroline Stokes, Leader of the Labor Group Food and Health of the Humboldt University in Berlin on Request Middle East.