
Leben mit Bürgergeld in RTLZWEIs Armes Deutschland

Leben mit Bürgergeld in RTLZWEIs Armes Deutschland


Mama and Sohn hocken daheim: “Mit Bürgergeld and Minijob have more than mit Vollzeit-Arbeit”

Armes Deutschland (RTLZWEI): Sandra and Sohn Jan present wie selbstverständlich Gründe, op de faulen Haut zu lie.

Gentlemen – If you imagine a citizen money company in the RTLZWEI Doku “Weapons Germany“for the room and the presentation of the self-confident knife, one of the work centers, or the group, aware of the lies. Latest duo: Sandra (55) and Jan (24).

Sandra (55) and Son Jan (24) live together in a house - en vom Staat.

Sandra (55) and Son Jan (24) live together in a house – en vom Staat. © RTLZWEI

“With Jan and Sandra and our labor market not being happy,” the Mutter-Sohn-Gespann äußerst sympathetically suggests.

And then the 55-year-old from Herten (NRW) is dear – from a super light soil -, we will no longer insist: “Because I have three cats and I have to pass them on”.

The hairy trio was not completely different. “Wenn man die nicht beobachtet, gibt es Zoff.” An attack is made during the Tierarztkosten “ohne End” -hätte.

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Selbst ohne die Samtpfoten ist aber an morehrstündiges tags Arbeiten nicht zu Denken. Schließlich lebt Sandra schon seit ihrem Ausbildungsabbruch for 38 (!) Years of State. “Mit Bürgergeld and Minijob have had more time, if we have had the full time,” he says.

Cash 1100 Euro Citizen Money for your night, taking into account your costs and costs for your living accommodation vom Amt bezahlt. Man lives with the same support, with the same friendliness: “Miete is bezahlt, Strom is bezahlt, Gas is bezahlt.”

Armes Deutschland (RTLZWEI): “Would I be ashamed?”

Mutter and Child live in North Rhine-Westphalia Herten between Essen and Dortmund.

Mutter and Child live in North Rhine-Westphalia Herten between Essen and Dortmund. © Fabian Strauch/dpa

That Jan still lives there, has a good reason: the will of the job center. It is the first time that you live on the 25th. Life year an own home. Stubborn is that it is 17 years old. Statt itself a job as such and most people, who are eight years in the state – poor in Germany.

An absolute No-Go for Sandra, who started with her family, who virtually financially arranges her life: “I think a plan that a job center is the best solution.”

Not only the 1100 Euro cashier Mom and Son. Monthly also come 160 Euro for a mini job in one of the Security companies. Make sure the bet is executed correctly. It can take a minute longer.

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Ob sie Scham habe, will erase the Reporterin von der 55-Jährigen. “Would I be ashamed of myself? I would have to work. If we were to pay 160 Euro, I would still have to work.”

The new Folge “Armes Deutschland” with Sozialschmarotzern anyway Arbeitswilligen gibt’s am Dienstag (24. September) at 8.15 pm at RTLZWEI or schon jetzt by invitation at RTL+.