
Prominent top manager in Verlässt OpenAI |

Prominent top manager in Verlässt OpenAI |

SAN FRANCISCO (dpa-AFX) – ChatGPT founder OpenAI is next in line for the leadership stage. Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati, who often works as an overseer of the firm, can work in his back. If you want more time and money for your own business, write Murati on the online platform X. I thank you at OpenAI chief Sam Altman and would like to put an end to one of the efforts in the field of struggle.

The Murati war in November has started with the chef of OpenAI, after the Verwaltungsrat of the KI-Entwicklers Altman has done his utmost. Wenig Tage später kehrte der Mitgründer is nach Druck von Mitarbeitern und de Großinvestors Microsoft op de Chefposten zurück. Murati stated himself behind this.

I am lost to research chief Ilya Sutskever, who played a role in Altmans Rauswurf, OpenAI. There is talk of a new start-up, the high-end AI software will do that. Another form of OpenAI, by researcher John Schulman, went to competitor Anthropic.

OpenAI’s Chatbot ChatGPT can be a year-long hype with intelligent intelligence. Solche AI ​​program was used to compile information training and create text at the level of human forms, write software code and merge information. The principle principle is that the Word is for the Word-abschätzen, which is a satz solution. Altman shows that AI can also handle much more complex tasks in the future./so/DP/zb

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