
Penny’s Marketing Trick: Organic only minimally better than conventional?

Penny’s Marketing Trick: Organic only minimally better than conventional?

Ansteigender Barcode with Wasserhahn, Pflanzen, Äskulapstab and thermometer

Discounter Penny wolllte 2023 Bewusstsein für Environmental costs purchase. But the Study behind the Campaign was erhebliche Mängel auf. Who is Ganze’s war?

New Lebensmittel, four organic and funfconventional products from more than 3,000 items, which the discounter considers important in August 2024. Specifically, four products from the Animal Health category (yogurt, cheese, Wiener Würstchen, mozzarella), jewels from conventional and organic Haltung, so who a vegan product, a schnitzel based on the preparation.


With that Schritt, the Discounter wants to make more choices for the Environmental Taxes by purchasing the Lebensmittelproduction. Laut Rewe-Gruppe, which is called the Penny-Marketing, will spend the Mehreinnahmen for a project for climbing protection and for Erhalt-familiegeführter Bauernhöfe in Alpenraum.

If Grundlage der Publikation “True cost accounting of organic and conventional food production” (“True Cost Accounting”) would be the Auswirkungen der Produktion auf Klima, Wasser, Boden und Gesundheit berechnet.

A research team from Greifswald and Nuremberg has an idea for the Penny-conventional and eco-friendly products by the production that has arisen by the factory towers, Klima, Wasser and Gesundheit in the Verkaufspreis eingerechnet. The carers can indulge in other literature history, without own messages and dates.

Die Münchner Redaktion der international Nachrichtenagentur Persistence The study has been analyzed and research has been done on the results and the way people have been studied. These are presented in the following developments.

Veganes Schnitzel cost a few cents more

Penny can cover the cost of not paying for an advertisement in the sales costs. So the cost for organic food was 1.15 euros, for conventional food 1.57 euros.

Während ich etwa de Packung Maasdamer Käse um 94 Prozent verteuerte and the Wiener Würstchen um 88 Prozent, cost the vegan Food For Future Schnitzel with 14 Cents Aufpreis nur fünf Prozent more. That asks questions.

Erstens: Remember that vegan products come from conventional or monoculture products, which are treated with pesticides, which ruins art and biodiversity, it is not a legitimate fruit.

How about: is the work carried out in regional production or in the industrial production of the country in the country? The recovery of the Rohware must take off in the calculation.

DRITTENS: Bei veganen Produkten acts like a sogenannte “ultra-processed” Lebensmittel (engl: ultra-processed food), which are often charged with Zusatzstoffen which are Säureregulators, Geschmacksverstärkern and Konservierungsstoffen. The Innerhalb der EU is suitable for more than 300 dairy products for conventional products and 50 for organic products.

Climate: CO2 pressure due to long transport routes and construction methods

Pestizideinsätze on Monocultures, Anheizen des Klimawandels as well as Artensterben during the Rainwälder – all that is hinted at by the German CO2-Fußabdruck, in the Study is not vorkommt.

Heavy flying methane missions from Rindern and der CO2-Ausstoß from Traktoren with a. What are the transport routes for delivery to the supermarket? Futtermittel in the conventional Tierhaltung became üblicherweise from the Übersee-hergeholt, before they were here in Trog-lands. Bekanntes Beispiel is Soy Futter from Latin America.

Statistics were used to calculate all food, sugar and other products used by the local cross-border tribes by local equivalents with weight adjustments and Entfernungen.

You will not find any Beachtung about the production of meat and milk production from late America or palm oil from monoculture plantations in the rainfall imported into Indonesia.

Since Wiener Würstchen, Joghurt, Kase und Mozzarella mit Fleisch und Milch in Deutschland were produced or from Australian imported strains, these Frage were also available.

Also the transport of raw materials for food from the construction to the mixing plant was not investigated. The transport of the food materials has only resulted in a small amount of adjustments to the total results, whereby the authors of the study statistics have been completed.

Gesundheit: Auswirkungen auf Verbraucher kommen nicht vor

If it’s good, if there’s a product for the consumer, it’s probably one of the healthy ways to remove pesticides or ammonia in the layer, it’s on the Penny-Kampagnen page.

So we can keep the whole community of farmers under the lupe general. It is possible that Parkinson’s is induced by pesticide insufficiency if there is a disturbance. There can be all kinds of diseases, such as pesticides, canned and dairy products, dairy products or a mild smell of the verkucherïnde health.

In the media reports that appeared at the end of the day, the results can be seen:

These costs for solving problems with climbing, child labor and plastic waste, which are taken care of by the Society or Steuerzahlern.

Labor Day

If you look at the “True Cost Accounting” phrase, the fact is that the factor is not so simple, when it comes to child labor or plastic. Penny is a plastic wrapper that is in the package. If you go to the “health care” of the company, there is no question that it will go that fast.

Wasser: Verbrauch in der Lebensmittelproduktion ist kein Thema

I am Penny-Vergleich completely a Schadstof, which is negative about the Wasserquellen. If there is only one thing you have to consider, you can no longer see the damage to the end products in countries and some things if you do relevant things.

But the huge water consumption of the industrial sector is one of the best and most valuable products in the world: you can discover an avocado or avocado potato in an organic bio-conventional and/or local/regional national/international area in the water consumption, which yields interesting things.

Boden: Nährstoffversorgung und Verarmung were ausgeblendet

Humus rich Böden special Kohlendioxid, fördern the biological Vielfalt, increases the Nährstoffhalt and neutralizes by the Treibhausgase der Wiederkäuer.

If the costs of organic and conventional production are reused, innovative construction methods are used, nor is the civilization and quality analyzed in terms of ecological and physiological points of view.

“True Cost Accounting” contains most of the aspects from before

According to the penny study, bio is only slightly better than conventional. It was a fact that the nocturnal development of the climate by the industrial monoculture with the water demand in other places has caused the advantages of ecological management by the biodiversity and the generation of healthy soils, including the CO2 storage capacity.

The use of welding became a social aspect with human rights violations by Landraub in Anbauländern and Ausbeutung von Saisonarbeitern. Completely integrated into global trade – not without fossil energy – with its long transport lines. Regional and öcological analyzes are small.

Climate-friendly einkaufen? Not with Penny

Please note that the price of the product is worth more than that for the conventional products, so the price (market price + external costs) for the ecological products is not as important as the conventional products menfassung of Study.

If organic food in its “true costs” now costs a small amount of money, as conventional food (1.15 versus 1.57 €), wouldn’t you be able to give the consumer a final follow-up, could you perhaps find a conventional solution?

The Penny-Aktion lumps all products together, lets the health of the products consist of a “bio” in the form of vegan meat products from industrial production as inefficient production, but here you can differ.

The joint action is a gift to the conventional agricultural industry, which does not allow any organic night-time organic production.

If you want, you can use a biocharger

The Campaign for the True Price of Food helps more, the Consciousness of People to strengthen. If you see a quote, the cost of the cost of fuel production goes down, you can look at the cars again in 2024 during the campaign.

Do you want to know if you can use the help in carrying out the action? When citizen money was paid, it became a higher price. If the organic products are produced, it cannot be that Penny is one of the bioladen or goes directly to the Court.

“Small prices are great” – Penny zurück in Business as usual

Anfang September 2024 Warb der Discounter for four weeks with small prerequisites large on packaging fünf ausgewählter Eigenmarken-Article: “… with an optically attractive Limited Edition, the plaque said, that our own marks are always the most favorable Wahl since”, who is in a press conference heißt . Will come and enjoy the Wunderwelt of Ramschpreise!

War that shows the Campaign that other people are a suitable and wrong recruitment target?

It is worth having a huge media brand experience, which could increase the company’s profitable potential. Was spent: Penny invested 2023 – in the summer of the campaign – and 190 million euros in traditional advertising acquisitions, 15 percent more than in the previous year. These assignments lead to a surplus of 8.6 percent. The surplus costs around 9.5 billion euros.

In Germany, the Rewe Group, based on the Penny, operates around 2,150 Penny branches. Penny markets are issued in Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. In 2025, the factory started again with Milliarden in the Australian expansion to invest.