
Migros kills Vorzeige-Temple “Bridge” – Inside the Paradeplatz

Migros kills Vorzeige-Temple “Bridge” – Inside the Paradeplatz

The Migros Zurich have their power and window heritage. This is clear.

With the “Bridge” in the fashionable Zürcher Europaallee.

Mario Irminger, chef of the Migros Genossenschafts Bunds, of the central branch of the German Reich, has done the “Bridge” so well.

Irminger, there are great results at Billig-Tochter Denner on the Topstuhl of the closed retailers who bought their hat, went to the “Bridge” -Ausgaben by the Decke.

Migros kills Vorzeige-Temple “Bridge” – Inside the Paradeplatz
Food, Woke – and Schwarzes Loch (Bridge; Insta)

350’000 francs are spent on the money for the Monat for the same Fläche in superteuren Geviert, that the SBB heard.

Power 4.2 Millions in Years. It is an exciting treat. The concept with sales and shopping is not possible at all.

It is clear that Zahlen takes a long time. But those Migros-Zurich-Fürsten, all for chef Jörg Blunschi, force one more time.

Gleich wie in Deutschland, wo Blunschi and seine Zürich-Manager could be responsible for an Abschreiber von 500 Millionen.

Migros Zurich, the largest of the 10 Societies of the Orange Giant, has won tens of millions of dollars in the last few years.

Sollte de Migros-Zentrale under Boss Irminger if the Stecker next to the German Bio-Tochter Tegut sees, then kommen Hunderte von Millionen dazu.

In one fell swoop.

“Bridge”, Tegut: Only in these two black Löcher haben are the Migros Zürich, who was released by Gottlieb Duttweiler for 99 years, in loved sons manövriert.

The inheritance record is from the Lot Geraten. Who is his/her own capital?

Insider told that, the bald notary of Migros Zurich, who started with real estate. If there is a signal, it is a matter of the Genossenschaft-steht.

The Billion Fränkli Man (Migros)

The Hauptverantwortliche Blunschi is Mitte Jahr von der Limmat and the Aare sucked. Erhielt das Präsidium der Number 2 among the regional Genossenschaften, der Aare in Bern.

Zurich versenkt, Bern als Belohnung.

So it is in the Migros, a year before the 100th anniversary. Derweil loses a thousand jobs, but also Hotelplan, Do it + Garden, SportX, MEelectronics were sold.

Gleichzeitig fehlen Dutzende von Leuten in Irminger’s headquarters at Limmatplatz in Zurich. External ones received those Jobs of experts Internally.

Das Tohuwabohu nimmt zu. Statt dass Irminger Blunschi sits, might is a long time Miene zum grotesken Spiel.

The communities are separate and autonomous, but they are also separate. Irminger, the CEO of Gnaden of the Genossenschafs-Fürsten, was concerned with the Power-Aufteilung.

Zerschlug is also zunächst das Reich des Genossenschafts-Bunds.

But that’s not fun offenbar. Deshalb jetzt der Directangriff auf die Migros Zürich. With Zurich chef Patrik Pörtig, Irminger has intronisiert an Intimus an der Pfingstweidstrasse.