
The Grounds will be the first Halbjahr 2024 with Verlust a best revised Jahresprognose • news • onvista

The Grounds will be the first Halbjahr 2024 with Verlust a best revised Jahresprognose • news • onvista

EQS news: The Grounds Real Estate Development AG / Schlagwort(e): Halbjahresergebnis/Halbjahresbericht

The Grounds shoots first half year 2024 with Verlust a best revised annual forecast

26.09.2024 / 08:00 CET/CEST

Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

The Grounds shoots first half year 2024 with Verlust a best revised annual forecast

  • The consortium’s investment is worth EUR 8.7 million back (H1/2023: EUR 16.2 million)
  • Konzern EBIT of -4.3 million. EUR after 0.4 Mio. EUR in the first half year 2023
  • Konzernbilanzsumme reduces itself to beef 8.1 Mio. EUR up to 139.5 million. EUR (31.12.2023: EUR 147.8 million)
  • The EBIT in total was between EUR -7 million and EUR -9 million. €

Berlin, 26.09.2024 – The Grounds Real Estate Development AG (The Grounds / ISIN: DE000A2GSVV5) started in 2024 with a completed Konzernverlust. Gründe herefür were especially rückläufige Umsätze as well as Wertberichtigungen. From January to June 2024, The Grounds Umsatzerlöse in Höhe produced EUR 8.7 million (H1/2023: EUR 16.2 million), which amounted to EUR 7.8 million. EUR Sales costs (H1/2023: EUR 15.3 million). The largest part (6.4 million EUR) comes from the Projects Property Garden in Magdeburg, where Maggie in Berlin-Lichtenberg, which was abgerechnet after the Percentage-of-Completion-Method. Darüber hinaus wurden Mietumsätze anyway sonstige Erlöse in Höhe von insgesamt 871 TEUR erzielt.

The Konzern EBIT of the first Halbjahres amounted to -4.3 million. EUR negative (H1/2023: EUR 0.4 million). Nach Steuern spent a Konzernergebnis in Höhe von -8.1 Mio. EUR (H1/2023: – EUR 1.1 million), was an annoyance with your action from -0.30 EUR (H1/2023: -0.05 EUR) entsprach.

The Balance Sheet of The Grounds has converted the Balance Sheet of the previous Geschäftsjahrs (147.8 million EUR) to 8.3 million EUR to around 139.5 million EUR. In the active way, a longer period of shares is converted to the balance sheets of the share method with a value of 2.3 million EUR. By reducing the latent investments in the realization of projects Property Garden in Magdeburg, the information on the Auflösung is still reserved for an amount of 931 TEUR. With the current costs, a value of 1.5 million EUR is achieved, the expenses for charity and services amount to 1.2 million EUR as well as the liquidity center at 1.7 million EUR, compared with the current values ​​​​as of 31.12.2023.

If it is passive, it is all owned from 24.8 million EUR to 16.8 million EUR, issued during the negative Konzernergebnis of the first half-years of 2024. Information on the equity ratio at 12.1% back (31.12.2023: 16.8%).

The basis for the German increase of the long-term debts from 16.5 million EUR to 48.0 million EUR is subordinate to the Position Anleihen with a volume of 30.7 million EUR, which had not yet been filed on 31.12.2023. As a mirror that appears in the year 2024, the results of the HIG follow their financing plans that walk in a number of years until the long-term debts become wider. The long-term financing obligations are higher than 1.9 million EUR, with the latent investment tax obligations of around 963 TEUR returning. I ensure that the debts of both end up in the long-term debts with a discount on the short-term debts of 106.4 million EUR to 74.6 million euros EUR. The end of the reporting period changed the grounds over liquid medium in height of 1.3 million. EUR (31.12.2023: EUR 3.0 million).

Jacopo Mingazzini, President of the Grounds, comments on the Verlauf des Eerste Halbjahres 2024: “Gegenüber dem Geschäftsjahr 2023 können wir noch keine deutliche Verbesserung im operative Geschäftsverlauf ausweisen and a more stable economic development in Germany is not abzuse them . Dennoch is most involved in its own bankruptcy factory, which will have an enormous burden on the German real estate business from 2022, which is a positive business. So how the inflation rate in the German economy normalizes, and how the European Central Bank will start rolling back debt in June and September 2024 on the first month of 2019. One real estate indicator that is likely to predict large-scale transactions in 2023 is that half year 2024 is likely to be. Price reversals have been pushed back by location and market segments or have been pushed back by sideways movements; with most prices in the large spans of major cities, metropolises and ballrooms in Germany were to witness further increases, which in Berlin once again came out more strongly. If we only just know what we have done, we will not sell more in the course of 2022, but we can the young market tent wicklungs of the Annahme, the interesting potential residential and property rights of our homes and more homes allow for mortgage settlements to be carried out. It is wonderful that Halbjahr has developed one of the projects in Margaretenstraße in Berlin-Lichtenberg and completed it in Dalgow-Döberitz, has a number of purchase delays that can be concluded. This is highlighted in the coming months.

On September 19, 2024, the proper main organization of the capital company began to form a substantial milestone with a partnership with an existing partner with HIG Capital and such a separate Zwischenschritt for künftiges Wachstum erreicht be achieved.

I hope with the publication of the Half Year Reports 2024 that The Grounds will revise the forecast for the successful best results of the year on a basis of 10 million years. EUR and 12 million. EUR of a negative EBIT-zwischen -7 million. EUR and EUR -9 million. EUR August.

The half-year report for the first half-year 2024 is available for download at

Contact person for companies:

The Grounds Real Estate Development AG

Jacopo Mingazzini, President

Charlottenstraße 79-80, 10117 Berlin

Phone +49 (0) 30 2021 6866

V. +49 (0) 30 2021 6849

Email address: [email protected]


Investor Relations:


Ingo Janssen, Geschäftsführer

Haus der Wirtschaft, Kapstadtring 10

22297 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0) 40 6378 5410

Email address: [email protected]


Press contact:


Peter Dietze-Felberg

Wall Street 16

10179 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 30 284 49 87 62

Email: [email protected]


Over the ground

The Grounds Group is realising a residential development project in the German metropolitan regions. It did not take long for the Grounds Group to take a step further in the housing portfolio in the anlagevermögen. The Grounds Real Estate Development AG is located in the market segment of the primary market of Düsseldorf (ISIN: DE000A2GSVV5), with Ihren Sitz in Berlin and an office in Stuttgart.

26.09.2024 CET/CEST Release of a Corporate News/Finanznachricht, übermittelt durch EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG.

Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

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1995889 26.09.2024 Central European Time/Central European Time